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Hi there I post this in the wrong forum I think but could use some major help with this.


Hi there Ive been on this forum for w hile and has really help me. I have posted my story before. Very very brief split with ex 2 months. She dumped me and has had problems with ex's in her past and loads of other stuff. We have this cycle of being nice then trying to find something to argue over and then after a week or so we slowly start talking again. This has happen about 3 times over the past 2 months.


Just want some thoughs. I took back birthday gifts from my ex. She got me too go out with her on her birthday and it was very weird. I know I should not of went and I got a bit drunk made a fool of myself telling my ex I still loved her etc. It was a really strange night and I do regret going out. Anyway the next day we didnt speak I felt really bad. I texted saying sorry and she was just angry with me. We spoke and again we ended up having a bit of a argument. So the next 3 weeks we dont speak outside or inside of work (yes we work with each which is hard in itself).


We start talking again. Just small talk hi's and hello's thats it. No contact outside of work. I go out the following Sunday with work friends and my ex comes out. Another girl in work invited her so I could do anything to stop her and i did want to seem like the bad guy. The night went great and her ex best friend and her nave fallen out. I was friendly with her and we have always been mates. We have been talking alot and she has been texting me alot. She came as well on this night out and I bought her a few drinks along with me ex and other. Nothing funny about that is there I though but my ex makes a comment to another work friend saying YES HE WAS GIVING HER HIS MONEY.


Things have been alot better in work. My ex was calling me about stupid work stuff. It was things like do you know your shift has been changed. Iam a manager and she has nothing to do with my shift changes I always get told before my boss or another manager. Also she called about another workers shift kwoning I could do nothings to change it. So my ex's calls again about work and her number is with held.


Bit of small talk and she gets me to call her back and gives her new number to me. This shocked me as I though I was the last person she would want to have it. Also she has 1 or 2 extra night shifts with me being on. I am moving store at the end of week which she knows about. Ive stopped chasing and dont call or text only whenshe calls and I am polite back and when she has called a few times I have just said sorry I am just on my way out. Ive also dropped off me ex after work and we have a had a bit of a drive and just listened to some music with very little talk and not about us or the problems we had. We went to a beach and sat there for about 1 hour just watching the waves and didnt talk. Now Iam a bit confused. Also I want to give her the birthday gifts back as this was stupid asking for them back because I though she wanted me back on her birthday. My head does seem clear, I have not been texting or calling for about 3 weeks.


This happen last night;

My ex is getting a promotion at work and need to do some revision for her exam. She has been calling and texting me to help her. Now I know she has all the stuff she needs to pass it. She calls last night saying nobody is helping her and her exam is on Monday. I didnt getting back to her, said I was busy. She starts getting funny about it and start texting me more. At one point she was saying I am not talking to her no more. Though she just wanted help with her revision. So I do meet her and we do abit of revision. Then she wants to which a movie which we did. Again just very little small talk. Also seemed a bit upset, I asked but she said she was ok. But I knew something was up. Anyway the night ended ok and I just said goodbye adn dropped her home.


So what do you guys think. Whats really going on in her mind. Why keep contacting me and then coming to my house when she split up with me. She did seem different last night, she was very quiet and seem unhappy.


Thanks Guys

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Thanks for the reply. I am too scared to bring up the subject about us. Think she would just say oh I though we where just friends or something. This has happen before but ended in us not talking. This time doesnt seem a bit different.


I did text her last night I had got her some more revision stuff and maybe just used that as an excuse to contact her. Anyway she was baby sitting and she invited me down.


I went and we got along great. We waited for her uncle to come back and I gave her a lift back. When I got in she texted me saying thanks for the help and we just sent each other a couple of texts back. Just fun ones nothing with real meaning.


We have been met up a few times over the last week which has been nice even though its only been about work.


What should my next move be.

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Oh yea sorry I did give her birthday stuff back as well and she was happy to get them back. I passed her a bag with them in and said this is yours and she looked in the bag and said thanks. She texted me saying that when I got in as well. I said dont thank me it was your stuff.



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Hi thanks if you have been following my story and any help would be great.


Again me and my ex have had regular contact. A couple of calls but mainly text messages. We have also met up a few times again over the last week or 2. Contact has mainly been 50 - 50.


We had a bite to eat in my house last night and watched some TV. Not a word has been spoken about past or relationship. I know I have to be really careful with this so I dont get hurt. The lets be friends thing has happen about a month ago and it didnt work out. I told her I didnt want that so she knows that I cant be friends. I guess I am a bit confused right now and unsure as to what to do. I need to know as to what is going on between us but like many other people who have contact and meeting with there ex's are too scared to bring it up. She can be very stubbon as with me and I think its too early to bring it up. Its only been about 2 weeks since we have been making regular contact and I also feel its too early. I am going to wait till the end of the week and see whats happens.


I know theres no right time to bring it up but I feel it should come from her about us. I will not contact her from now on and let her do the contacting.


Words of advice guys!



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