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My path in life...


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I have wondered now for a long time. Am I doing the right thing? I have searched for love for a long time it seems. But that doesn't matter to me anymore. I have lost hope. So, I have found hope in being single. I love it. Yet now I am in College. I am beginning to finally start my life. Yet I wonder if I want to remain single and become someone successful at thier job. I think it's the right path, but I'm not sure. And the worst part, is there no way to truly know...

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Single or not - happiness is what you make it; and more what you want to be happy is different from what I want to be happy.


In this day and age, women are becoming in less need of being in a relationship to find comfort.


It's basically what ever works for you and however you want it to be.


Do you want to be single?


With that said - you could sit and agree to yourself that you want to be single and come to terms with it; even being happy with yourself.

And then a guy comes along that sweeps you off your feet.

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If the notion of love isn't as important to you as before and if you're perfectly content being single, then I don't see any reason why you should seek a change to this lifestyle you've set up for yourself. It might be nice to one day experience love, but you don't have to consciously seek it - just let it come along naturally: when the time's ripe, it'll happen.


Don't start thinking that because you don't have that special someone that you're somehow lacking or that there's an emptiness in your life that simple must be filled. It's unfortunately common to view bachelorhood in a negative light, but as darkblue said, what you make of the single life is what ultimately matters. If you're happy with the way things are going, which you seem to be, then just keep up with it and let things happen on their own accord.

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