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Well, after putting up with way too much, and staying with this loser way too long, I ended it for good yesterday.


His anger and cruel words came out of him when we are having the greatest time, but something will piss him off, and he would get angry.


For example, we were sitting at Starbucks, and this guy walked by and looked at me, and I just looked up at him. Nothing flirtatious on my part at all. My back was turned to him, but my boyfriend could see him. My bf said he kept checking me out. I said, who cares.


When we got up to leave, by bf said, very casually, " I should have slapped you both!" I was so sickened and hurt by what he said, I couldn't get it out of my head.


Then he started telling me that night just randomly how he f***d around on me, and he has a right to because he is the MAN, and I can't do it bc im a women. What a pig! He could have been saying that to make me jealous, or really doing it. Either way, he is sick!


I ended it yesterday because I was having a bad day, and I had left him a vmail that could have been nicer.


When he called back, I apologized, but he wouldnt hear of it, and cussed me out and kept hanging up on me! I have been so supportive to him through his parents losing their home bc of the hurricane, and helping him bc he also lost thous. of dollars. He took it out on me when it wasn't my fault, but I didn't yell at him, I comforted him.


So, he yelled how sick of this he was and hung up again. I emailed him and said I need some time, so its time for us to move on. Thats what he wants too I assume. I haven't heard back, but Im glad.


I am done with him, but its the weekend and I just need a little support because you all have been a great help.

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I am done with him


YAY!!!!!!!! Good for you! You probably know I've followed your story from day one. I'm so glad you finally got rid of him. His behavior is inexcusable. I hope this time you're done with him FOR GOOD!


You have to stand your ground this time. No more giving him chances. He doesn't deserve any more of your time or energy.


I emailed him and said I need some time, so its time for us to move on. Thats what he wants too I assume. I haven't heard back, but Im glad.


Even if you do hear back- don't read it or reply. Brtter yet- BLOCK his e-mail address. The bridge needs to be burned.



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I agree with BellaDonna completely on this one. Kick that jerk to the curb because he will never treat you right. I cannot believe some of the stuff you posted here that he said to you. What a creep and loser he acts like. Let me guess this guy thinks he is super stud when he has nothing going for him. lol


Sweetie you need to dump this one and move on to greener pastures. I can honestly tell you that there are plenty of men out there that would love to be with you and will treat you right.


Cut your losses now and move on. This guy does not deserve any tears or sorrow. He is a real creep!

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Hey littleone,


I remember your story too ( )


I liked that one BellaDonna -

The bridge needs to be burned.


Anytime you feel like you'd like to talk, feel free to PM me.


Well done for finally taking the 'leap into the dark', and trust me, in the long run; you'll come out with a smile on your face


Take care.

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Thanks everyone. =) You have all helped me more than you know.


I have never done this before, this was my first serious relationship.


It gets easier soon right?? Its just weird to think of having someone in your life for 2 years, then completely gone.


I am going to be strong though no matter how hard.

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All I can say is ABOUT TIME!!


This guy has been NOTHING but a jerk to you, and does not deserve you in the least bit.


It won't be easy to heal from, the verbal abuse and disrespect will almost make it harder as it damaged your self esteem, but you WILL heal. Have faith, and NEVER EVER give this guy the time of day again.

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I want you to remember one think Littleone22.


That is not all men are like your ex boyfriend. There are men out there that will love you for who you ARE and in no way would want it any differently. This guy you were with was an abusive slob who has not right to say half the things he says. Personally, if I heard him talking to a woman like that I think I would have punched the jerk in the face. A guy just does not talk to his lady like that EVER!!!


You deserve someone who will be there for you during the good times and bad. Trust me he is out there searching for you now(you both don't know it yet) . Take some time to heal and do some soul searching because it is impossible to love someone if you don't love who you are. Get out there girl and knock'em dead have fun and keep busy with your friends that you trust not to back stab you.


Get out there and have fun!

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Hi Littleone,


Thank god you cut this scumbag loose! Who on earth does he think he is to treat you like that? What a complete loser. You are well rid of him.

I would block his emails and delete his number. Better yet get a new phone number so he can't contact you at all anymore.


Morons like him need to learn that the universe does not begin and end with them and they can't go around treating people in that way. You are so much better than him, and you will find somebody who loves you and respects you. Anybody who treats you like this does not care about you.


Trust me, one day soon you will be with somebody who REALLY loves you, cares about you and treats you as you should be treated. When that day comes you will look back at your relationship with this guy and think 'what on earth was I doing!'

This happened to me and probably to quite a few other people on this board too, love isn't supposed to make you miserable and unhappy. The whole point of a relationship is that you are happier together than alone if that is not the case whats the point?


good luck and let us know how it goes. Whatever you do, DO NOT get back with him, he doesn't deserve you.

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It does get easier with time, especially if you manage to maintain no contact. In the case of this guy, I imagine your life will start to get better more or less straight away through not having someone in it that can treat you that badly.


You deserve SO much better, and I know you'll find it, and in time you'll look back on this as the time things began to get better for you.

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You all have helped me so much already.


I will keep reading all of the responses when I start to feel weak.


He hasn't even bothered to call and say sorry for overreacting. I wonder what got into him. Who cares though. The last thing he said to me was through a text saying, "you are f***n crazy." For what??

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He probably thinks you're 'crazy' because you've decided to give him the boot! and he's SUCH a good catch isn't he?

What an ego maniac! Either that or he's trying to make you think that his behaviour is perfectly acceptable and you must be crazy for having a problem with it. Well he's not your problem anymore, let somebody else deal with him, although you can bet that if he treats his next girlfriend as he has treated you, he'll be kicked to the kurb pretty quick.


I would text back saying 'you know what, you're right, I WAS crazy to date a knobhead like you as you can see ive come to my senses, seeya wouldn't wanna be ya!' and then delete any messages you get from him from then on and begin NC. At least then you will have the last word and will have wiped the smug smile off his face!

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Im going to be strong. You all have helped so much already.

Thanks for the encouragement, and I will keep posting when I feel weak.

I have a feeling though that if I just get through these first couple days I will feel SO much better and stop missing him, or whatever it is Im feeling sad over right now.

We had good times, but nothing makes up for his behavior to me.

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