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bullied by police, paramedics, and fire

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I really never thought I'd come here but I don't know who else to turn to. It's very hard for me to write this. I feel like my story will be discredited before I even start. I've had many nights or nightmares and often can't sleep well worrying about it. I wonder when it will stop or if it will continue.


I'll try and explain what happened. I workout at the YMCA and this guy came up to me and started talking to me, trying to get to know me. He called himself 'Ricardo.' One day, when we were alone. He told me things that led me to believe that I was on surveillence. It was very disturbing, the way he did it was tricky. I can't prove it but I am sure he knows what he is doing and that I get the message. That day I had a conversation with my dad in our house and he ended up repeating what my dad and I had talking about! Then he told me what was said when I talked at a martial arts club. I tried to ignore it but what else can you do?


I saw him 2 months later, he told me my acitivities using the same approach. I was doing yoga at that time. So he would say 'I am doing yoga.'


Again I can't prove this but why would someone he admits working for the attorney general tell me those things? I started to wonder and get suspicious about what is going on.


I went to another location of the YMCA and he was there. He followed me to the change room and told me 'it looks like you did a lot of RUNNING.' Then he asked me which university I wanted to go to and named the one that I was interested in, 'are you gong to U of T?'


I met him on 3 different occasions and its funny that he manages to tell me what I talk about in private conversations, what I am into, or where I want to go.


Another time I was in the change room with him and he was with another guy and they did it again! This time the both of them laughed. He quoted conversations in with my dad while we were alone.


I bought a DVD and this other guy say 'well we're getting a DVD.' He never introduced himself to me but I wondered if he worked for the attorney general because Ricardo tried to introduce me to him at one point. Later I saw him where police gear in plain cloths buying a pizza after coming out of a unmarked vehicle with red lights in the front. Again I can't prove what was said, they know and they still do it.


I managed to go out to dinner with my parents, the whole family. We went to a restaurant and while we were eating my sister's boyfriend started acting strange. I felt like he was trying to convince me to admit it is ok to hurt people and run over them with a car. He did this before as well. He said 'Ha ha run over that guy walking over there.' He was very persistent.


That's not the first time he did something like that.


When I was interested in applying for a job at puroletter, he came over and kept talking about the subject of puroletter over and over, he made sure I heard him! And how he wants to do some mail. The tone of his voice was directed at me. I think he was saying 'we know you are applying there' The kind of tactic ricardo uses. Again I can't prove what he did because he did it in such a way to make it look like he is talking about something else! He could make an excuse when I confront him and say he was'nt talking to me.


I have to go. There are more things they have done. Not just the peel police, but paramedics and fire department. I will continue later.


What do you think?




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What do you think?


Well I definitely think it's WEIRD so I can see why you're spooked. It sounds like something out of a creepy movie.


Let me ask you this....


*What is your worst fear about this situation?


*What you personally think THEIR GOAL is in acting this way? (For example- what do you think they are trying to accomplish and why?)


*Aside from the overall creepiness of it....is there anything NEGATIVE that can come out of this...from them monitoring you? For example do you have something to hide?


I will continue later.


I'd be interested in seeing the rest.




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If they're watching you, it has to be for a reason. Can you think of any reason they'd suspect you of doing something? Any crimes occur recently that you didn't necessarily commit, but were somehow involved in (something they'd suspect you of doing). Are you involved in any political movements, clubs, organizations? If so, which ones, and where do you live? Different groups get different levels of tolerance depending on what state/locality they're in.


edit: I'd also like details on the incidents with the fire department and paramedics.

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My worst fear? Well it's not really about fear. It feels more like a form of abuse. If you were talking to your kid in private and someone did that to your kid, would you feel upset? Wouldn't you feel violated? What if you tried to ignore them and they kept doing it over and over again? I guess you could say my worst fear is that they've done this to other people! And probably made them break down.


Their goal? I cant prove what they said but just because I don't have proof does'nt mean Im not going to say it didnt happen! If someone assaults you, and you cant prove it, are you going to not complain about it? If a woman gets raped and cant prove who did it, should she not say anything? I don't know what their goal is but Ive had many break downs. Sometimes I cant sleep and I get bad nightmares. I wake up and it takes me about an hour to cool down. I never really thought about suicide until this happened to me. Now that I realize it, I feel that I don't deserve it. How should I know what their goal is? What do YOU think their goal is?


The other stuff they did, I will share with you.


I was at Chapters bookstore. I am looking at books. This paramedic and clerk start talking about books on running. He told her, 'well we dont have any books on running' I walked away and the other paramedic was following me around the store. I think they were trying to phreak me out.


I was at the YMCA in mississauga and they did that to me. I think it's a guy who works for the police. I was in a corner, they blocked me off. His back to me. I started talking about RUNNING. Again I can't prove the conversation but don't you think it's funny if that guy works for the police? I cant identify him. That he would block me, not that it bothers me but just to show where he's coming from. The other guy he was talking to was giving me this look and I could see he was trying to get to me.


Another time at the YMCA in brampton. This guy who works for the fire department did the thing ricardo does. I talked to my dad and told him 'It's not christian'. I go to the YMCA that day and he talks to another guy who probably works for the city of brampon and say 'hey, it's not christian' Many coincidences with government workers, that for sure. I've seen this fireman talking to the bald guy who said 'we're getting a DVD' so something is up. It disgusting that they all work like that. What do you think their goal is? To make me happy? To celebrate?


It also happened recently. I was at home, I asked my mom to give me some space. Sometimes we fight and get on each other's nerves. I go to the YMCA, this guy tells me, 'Can I have some space?' I am wondering if he works for the government or something as well.


I am reluctant to talk about this because it's easy for people to tear it apart and discredit it and twist it. From what I see, even if they are in the wrong, they can come up with so much BS that you look like the bad guy. I'd like to know, what kind of government staff thinks its ok to do this?


I will try and post other stuff that I remember. There's not much I can do. Maybe someone else will see what it is and not let it happen to them. That's all I can hope for.

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I don't know if you read my post, but if the police, fire, and paramedics can do crooked stuff like that in a way that I can't prove but in a way that I know they are bothering me. They would be the last people I would go to. What should I ask them? Oh, can you stop harassing me? I already called them and she said I have no proof so there's not really anything I can do. Can you see where they are coming from? Do you really think if they do that kind of stuff to me that they're gonna do anything?


I mean, if someone is raping you, would you say, 'please, you're raping me, can you stop?'


If someone beats you up, are you going to ask them to stop after they've punched you over and over again? Does it make sense?

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I talked about the fire department and paramedics in one of my earlier replies. Let me know if you didn't see it.


It's funny, I had a major rear end collision. And it was by a paramedic. There was nobody on the road and it was when we were turning. She hit us on mostly on the right rear side. Do you think there is a chance, after all the crooked stuff they did to me, that they would want to kill me? I saw her coming from behind, it looked like she was accelerating and the way she hit me, no matter what anyone tells me, it does'nt really feel like she tried to avoid my car. My girlfriend and I got injured. I can't prove it even if they wanted to kill me.

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Well, have you come out and asked Ricardo or any of the other people who seem to be doing this? I mean, seriously.. Ask them why they are following you, watching you, bugging (in every sense of the word) you?


I would not be confrontational, just ask them... "I was just wondering.. Why are you guys watching me anyway?"


As for proving anything, you could get a friend or two or ten to help you... Make sure you aren't alone whenever possible.. Have you talked to your dad about it? have you pointed these people out to him?

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Well I have not committed serious any crimes. And if they think I have committed a crime, I'd like them to show me the evidence and take me to court. Because so far it looks like they've managed to build up a case against me. I'll leave that for my lawyer



Do I have anything to hide? Sure! Everyone does. If there is one person on this planet who does not have anything to hide, I'd like to meet him!


Im asking you, do you think that they have a right to follow the law and at the same time make it look like they're not doing anything when infact they know they are harassing me! Did you read my posts?

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Ive been watched for years and that doesn't bother me. I dont care if they watch me. They can kiss my ass.


I'm talking about what they do to people by what they did to me. It may be legal but it's not morally right. These people act like thugs.


If they have that attitude, I wonder if our justice system has people like that. I mean, really. Could a judge act in the same way? or a prosecutor?

Sure, I think so.


If the police and paramedics and fire department can do it and they are in different divisions, then it makes you wonder.

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I told people on the toronto IRC chat line about this. And someone told me that I DESERVE IT. I dont think anyone deserves that. Show me the [profanity removed by Moderator] evidence.


I was also told that this guy TCWEASLE who is in the TORONTO IRC channel on UNDERNET works for a task force to rid people like me.


He told me Im gonna get into DOG FECES art by 2007.


I ask many times and they ignore me.


Why dont you go to the channel and ask them?




I've been told Im going to be the laughing stock of the channel for years to come.


Can someone get me some answers?


If anyone out there can get this message, do the work for me cause I can't get anywhere.


I called the police, they said I dont have any proof and to write a letter.


I think he means that he's going to get under cover agents to try and lead me to say stuff they can use against me in court.


Just like my sister's boyfriend, when he tried to convince me to run people off the road with my car. Stuff like that.


You go and ask cause I am not getting anywhere.


I dont really want to get a lawyer and go to court cause I think court wastes your time and it just doesnt get anywhere. If you look at Judge Judy, look at the ridiculous cases she has.


Can anyone help me?


I don't know what to do.

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Well I have to say to you Phillip that I am a fire fighter in New Jersey and I have never heard of anything like that. If you feel that your being harassed or watched by people in the government then you need to think about what is happening. I mean can it all be a coincidence that you hear about things you were talking about with your family members? I have to say in the thirteen years as a fireman I have never ever known about what or whom the police are watching.


Does your family have a history of mental illness? I have noticed that you stated you had breakdowns before and I am wondering if your having another now. If you feel like your going to hurt yourself then please go talk to a professional ASAP.


Please calm down as I am sure there is a rational explanation for what is happening to you.

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If I'm understanding your posts, most of what has happened to you is over hearing government officials say something that is similar to or identical to something you said in an earlier conversation. There was also the car accident, and someone standing and blocking you in the book store.


So far, you haven't said anything compelling enough to convince me that you are legitimately being persecuted. This sounds like it might be more of a classical observation bias. If you think something is there, and you look for it, then you are going to find it. Even if it's not there. So these people say things which you said earlier. So what? "It's not christian" is a very, very common saying in certain parts of the country. That you, and a public servant just so happened to utter it in the same day doesn't mean anything. The same thing for "We're going to get a DVD." Who doesn't watch DVD movies these days?


If your explanations as to how these phrases came up in conversation were more detailed - and more suspicious - I might be inclined to think something is fishy. For instance, if two cops are talking about baseball near you, and suddenly one of them so happens to say something completely out of context loudly, like "It's not christian," while looking at you sideways, then yeah, that's pretty weird. But you can't take that one sentence that they said and take it to mean they're watching you. For all you know they were talking about religion long before you came into the store. And for that matter, what are you doing listening to these people's conversations anyway? Like I said, if you believe something is there, and you look for it, you are going to find it - even if it's not there. So if you're paranoid and think someone is out to get you, you're constantly going to be looking out for evidence of this, and might interpret such a benign statement as "It's not Christian" to mean you're under surveilance.


You say you've been watched for years. I've asked other questions to try and get to this point, but now I'll ask this question and this question only. Let's assume for a second you are being watched. Let's assume these people are trying to intimidate you. Why did they pick you? What is it about you that made you their target? Also, how old are you?

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link removed[/i]]Did you read my posts? How come the only people I find doing it work for the government? How come its not just anybody?


Unless you have transcripts of every word of every conversation made within earshot of you, it very well could be everybody any anybody saying these things. The only people you notice work for the government. Maybe little old ladies have conversations around you about things you've talked about all the time. But since you don't feel threatened by them, you take no notice of them when they say it. But when a government official is around you're paranoid, and at a subconscious level at the very least you're listening for these key phrases. When you hear them, it registers at a conscious level and you confirm what you were already thinking! The government is after you!


Are you keeping a log of everytime you're around a government official and what happens? Maybe you come near police/firefighters/paramedics dozens of times. And only one out of all those times they say something that you notice, and you generalize to feel like it happens all the time.


I suggest you tell this story to someone who is a 3rd party, and objective, in person. In other words, a psychologist. Tell them everything. If there is something to your story, they'll be able to help you. Trying to get help from anonymous strangers on the internet is all well and good, but it sometimes isn't enough. For your situation I don't think it's enough. See the psychologist, not some anonymous bit of text on the internet. You're even talking about IRC chats you've had with people. What the hell are those supposed to mean? For all you know the person on the other end of the screen could be Elvis himself. More likely, it could be someone who's not taking you seriously at all, and they just want have a bit of fun at your expense by toying with you.

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Phillip, it sounds as though you're extremely concerned about everyone you meet being a government official who has access to your personal thoughts and conversations. Has anyone else you know been present during these conversations, may I ask? (Besides when you went to dinner with your family and your sister's boyfriend made that comment)

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