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Starting an LDR and dealing with emotions

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I agree with the above poster - you need to focus on creating a life outside of your girlfriend. What are you interested in? Are there any local clubs you could join?


Also - Do you want to go to college? I understand that you have financial issues, but have you looked into scholarships or grant money? There are scholarships out there for everything from grades to height... if you want to go, that is.


Good luck with your LDR - I have been in one for over three years. Thankfully, I am no longer an ocean away from my boyfriend, but a mere 3 hours.

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Many colleges encourage people to start their own clubs and you can easily do so via the student government on your campus. Community colleges do have a lot of commuters, but my school did as well - we had less attendance at our events than a big university would have, but we still had pretty good turnout.


Making friends can be tough, so don't be too hard on yourself. Even if it isn't at school, is there a community park district or a YMCA-type thing that offers sports classes or clubs? You mentioned that you had a problem with smoking and drinking... is there a support group in your area that can help you? People often make friends in those type of groups... you don't have to be an alcoholic or a complete druggie to join some of those programs.


Good luck, and I really admire you for trying not to fall back into your habit of smoking and drinking. That is a very difficult thing to do.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey there... i am in the EXACT situation as you are... she left a month ago to another city for university, living in rez... she always tells me how much fun it is there and that she likes being independent... at first i was jealous, but then i realised its reality... maybe id feel the same if i was living in rez... ( btw i went to her rez and even though she says on the phone that its awsome, personally i hate it.. id rather live home 1000X more than there ), she moved so she made new friends, i have my old friends that are getting more and more mature, and ofcourse i made new friends @ my college... - as for a LDR.. trust me i would totally encourage you to carry it on... but if you want to be realistic, forget about her... if you 2 are meant to be together, you will be, maybe after college or later in life. dont waste your time being mad all the time your gf is not with you.. live your life ( and by this i dont mean be a whore ) try other girls, maybe you'll find a better one or maybe you'll just realise how good your gf is..

its really up to you,

in these situations nothing matters except what you know and feel


good luck in whatever your decision is !

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