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confused...does he like me or not?

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okay I've known this guy for about 5 years now, we've both told eachother that we have feelings for one another and woud like to maybe date sometime (the timing just hadn't been right until now). Unfortnatly, now that we are both single he doesn't seem as interested as he did before. I asked him if he could ever see me as something other than just a good friend and here is what he said:


"As much as I want it to be more. I just see at this time a little sister. Because I am too wild and your still the calm one. But you are starting to catch up with me. Give it another 6 months or so. Then it could start out to get serious and stay serious"


WTF is this supposed to mean?? I'm so confused. Do you think that he is just delaying telling me that he doesn't want to date me anymore, or something else?

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He's clearly not interested in a serious relationship.

Perhaps he said this to put you down softly.

Most men would say something along the lines "Not right now, maybe later", and I guess most women would say this too, to someone they knew but didn't want to take something further.

I think perhaps he's trying to say that you aren't 'wild enough' for him - that perhaps he wants you to catch up and join in with all his 'wildness' whatever that might be.


People are rarely clear and honest when it comes to issues of commitment, men being the worst offenders 8).

But remember, there are plenty more people out there, even if it feels like you won't find anyone again, even if it seems like everyone else is in a 'great' relationship, don't be despondent.

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thanks for the replys. I think you guys might be right, I guess I just don't want to admit that to myself lol. I really care about this guy, and I guess its hard when I'm ready to date and he 's obviously not.


Oh well, all my friends have also been telling me "plenty of other fish in the sea, just keep looking". That's easy to say when it isn't them being rejected I guess I just feel like this poor little emoticon sometimes ](*,) never getting anywhere....

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There are plenty of fish in the sea, so get yourself a fishing rod and catch a good one.


It's this guy's loss - and if he reconsiders and eventually thinks that he is ready for a relationship, you can either be:


The eager girl that waited for him;

Or, happy and free, doing what you want to do, when you want to do it. Not being tied down by anyone.


Good Luck and Take Care.

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