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ok so how many of u women have it out there??!!!honestly because i feel like i am the only one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


have tried dieting but didnt work as just put the weight all back on anyway. think the best way to deal with it is to just hide the mirror and forget about it. i mean your bum is for sitting on anyway right??!!!!!and who's going to see it???!!!lights off!!!!!!no-one will ever know.......

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At the height of swimsuit season there's a common problem that plagues women: cellulite — that cottage cheesy skin that dimples the thighs and back sides of women of all shapes, sizes and weight.


Some 90 percent of women have cellulite. Even thin and physically fit stars like Pamela Anderson, Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears and Nicole Kidman have it.


Rest of the article is here:


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A quote from toward the end of the article:


Most experts point out that any improvement is temporary at best, because there's still no proven way to get rid of cellulite for good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only cure for cellulite is to exercise smart and avoid foods that give you insulin spikes - even calorie free junk. We are designed to store fat, not loose it - it is a survival thing. Insulin is a storage hormone, if you drink soda's etc, any carbohydrate will be metabolised quicker and stored as fat. Calorie free drinks F*ck up your insulin receptors and make you think there a carb rise so that you will still suck more out if you eat with a 'calorie free drink'.


Killing cellulite trick -

If you exercise (don't tell me you don't!!!) then do it first thing in the morning or when you have not eaten for at least 2 hours. This is called Glycemic training. Basically you will have little or no carbohydrate energy, thus your body will have to search out fat to break down to amino - to make blood sugar. Rather than burn what you have eaten you will burn masses of fat! Then try not to eat for an hour after for an extra effect.

Other hint - drink loads of water. Much cellulite appears worse due to water retention. I have often had women loose 10lbs due to drinking water. Your body will store water if you don't drink enough, and drinking loads will flush out toxins too.


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Oh, you're just a party pooper....wanting to deny all those people who make the creams, pills, devices, and do the cosmetic procedures the chance to make lots of money.


Snake oil peddlers* still exist...they don't go town to town anymore. They don't need to....they have infomercials....


*"What's a snake oil peddler?" you ask....

The snake oil peddler became a stereotype in Western movies: a travelling "doctor" with dubious credentials, selling some medicine — such as snake oil — with boisterous marketing hype, often supported by pseudo-scientific evidence. To enhance sales, an accomplice in the crowd would often 'attest' the value of the product in an effort to provoke buying enthusiasm. The "doctor" would prudently leave town before his customers realized that they had been cheated.
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Calorie free foods such as diet soda CAN effect your insulin receptors.

A sugar induced insulin spike via soda's such as coke WILL result in a higher absorption of carbohydrate.

I never said that cabs are bad for you. Complex carb is good simple isn't with regard to fats, as they are processed carb in the main. For those who don't know Carbohydrate is simply carbon, hydrogen with various sugars, fiber and starch attached. Rather like a jigsaw - the more complex the longer it takes to do. In food terms a complex carb will take longer to metabolize, thus a longer sustained energy release rather than synthesized instantly and turned to fat (if you are not exercising within the hour to burn it off) Hence - soda carb (simple) will raise blood sugar, storage hormone and additional carb from the meal on to of that will aid metabolism to fat.


When you exercise has a massive effect on your metabolism. Your metabolic rate is much faster am. Working out first thing in the morning with a high metabolism and no food WILL induce a higher fat burn - GUARANTEED as you have no blood sugar energy due to 8 hours of no food (hence breakfast - break-fasting)

Yes genetics does play a major role. You and your siblings have the same genetics, hence the same somato type (Endo/meso/ectomorph) Others may not be so lucky. The above will help those who want to wage war on cellulite.


I case ya wonder I am a WABBA Qualified trainer (world wide regarded as the elite in fitness trainers) IOC registered and have a degree in Health and fitness. I am also the out going National Natural Bodybuilding Champ and won the Natural Mania in Vegas. Trainer to Mr. Olympia, Jnr Mr. California as well as Sara Frost, one of the UK's top female figure builders (not bodybuilder). I have written for Mens Health, Muscle and Fitness and Now. Vegan too - not that that means anything.


Im the idiot bottom left:

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A sugar induced insulin spike via soda's such as coke WILL result in a higher absorption of carbohydrate.


Can you give me the research on this from a medical institution?


Rather like a jigsaw - the more complex the longer it takes to do. In food terms a complex carb will take longer to metabolize, thus a longer sustained energy release rather than synthesized instantly and turned to fat (if you are not exercising within the hour to burn it off)


So, if you exercise several hours later, it won't burn the fat it's converted to, is that correct???


Hence - soda carb (simple) will raise blood sugar, storage hormone and additional carb from the meal on to of that will aid metabolism to fat.


The pancreas stores insulin. Insulin itself does not store anything. Insulin is what IS stored. When you eat sugar, more insulin is needed.


When you exercise has a massive effect on your metabolism. Your metabolic rate is much faster am. Working out first thing in the morning with a high metabolism and no food WILL induce a higher fat burn - GUARANTEED as you have no blood sugar energy due to 8 hours of no food (hence breakfast - break-fasting)


I'm aware that breakfast means breaking the fast....thanks.


When you don't eat and your body is placing more demands on itself by exercise, your body says "Uh-oh" I'd better hang onto this fat of mine because my energy needs are increasing (exercise) but the energy I'm RECEIVING is decreasing (food). So by working out on an empty stomach, you're actually helping to hold onto the fat.



genetics does play a major role. You and your siblings have the same genetics, hence the same somato type (Endo/meso/ectomorph) Others may not be so lucky. The above will help those who want to wage war on cellulite.


There's no war to wage. It's like waging a war on blue eyes.


Also, no--me and my siblings do not have the same somato type. I'm a mesomorph. Some of them are meso's and some are ectomorphs and one an endomorph.


I am a WABBA Qualified trainer (world wide regarded as the elite in fitness trainers) IOC registered and have a degree in Health and fitness. I am also the out going National Natural Bodybuilding Champ and won the Natural Mania in Vegas. Trainer to Mr. Olympia, Jnr Mr. California as well as Sara Frost, one of the UK's top female figure builders (not bodybuilder). I have written for Mens Health, Muscle and Fitness and Now. Vegan too - not that that means anything.


No, it doesn't. All one needs to do is look at the body building sites to see how many gimmicks they advocate.



Also, does being a bodybuilder prove that you know how to get rid of cellulite???? I've known plenty of body builders and not one of them got rid of cellulite. Most don't have it to begin with. Those who do, still have it later on. However, muscles can help to hide it better.



Insulin & fat:

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Insulin and storage via hormone resonce:

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I never said if you exercise several hours later, it won't burn the fat it's converted to. Simply it is more effective to burn fat with no blood sugar such as am traing. I am sure if you read again you will see this.


Glycemic training. Is not eating before you you train/morning training. I never mentioned not eating or a massive drop in calories per day - simply when you eat them. are you referring to metabolic slowdown? as that is not glycemic training. Originally I said "If you exercise (don't tell me you don't!!!) then do it first thing in the morning or when you have not eaten for at least 2 hours.":

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There is a lot to bodybuilding, we are not all steroid enhanced and pushing products. Natural's use nothing but food. Being a bodybuilder doe'nt in and of itself, but you have to invest a lot of time and knowledge to be get anywhere. However 15 years as a trainer, qualified, registered and helped many people with issues as far as weight loss to depression.


I have to ask - why the aggression??

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  • 2 months later...

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