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Dancing,Pimples,Stones, how can you help me?

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So i dont know how to dance. Do any of you know a website or something. Or maybe even a DVD of some sort.


1.Does everyone have their own dance style?


2.should i try dancing and humiliate my self or stay were i am and not be humiliated.


3.My g/f likes to dance,should i tell her to teach me or surprise the hell out of her with moves i learn.




So pimples are a big deal to me, i have acne.I do go to a dermatoligist and stuff, and i do take medication, and they are getting quit cleared up;


1.Girls how do you feel kissing a face with ACNE ?(mine is not that severe)


2.What kind of foods should i avoid eating?


3.Does street produces an oil that creates the acne or one or two pimples to pop out?




I am a firm believer of stones, and i do believe that they have helped me some what.


1.What kind of stones do you recomend for the following:

- Love

-Getting lucky with things you want(have to get my mom to let me keep seeing my g/f)


-Having confidence wisdom


2.Which ones are the most valuable.


3.Is there really a greater natural force on planet earth.

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Three questions in one! LOL it's very interesting...


Ya! Ask your g/f to teach you. Nothing wrong with that...slow dance...jazz...line dance...there's so many types of dancing you can learn.


Acne...we all go through it and sometimes you can't avoid it completely but there are things that you can do to reduce it. A lot of the food eat especially the fast food, processed carbs and anything that's really not 'natural' or 'man made' causes allergic reaction you cannot feel. Straight to the point, you want to avoid really fatty food, too much sodium/sugar and basically to eat healthy. Sleep alone will help with your skin condition as well as supplements like vitamins, fish oil that's loaded with antioxidents...stuff that you can buy at stores like GNC & natural food stores.


Stones...I don't know much about them but yes the earth is full of energy. You see it everywhere you go. I think we tend to underestimate what this mother earth can really do

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Nobody dances as bad as Carlton Banks, so I wouldn't worry about it. If you feel as though you could improve on your dancing skills, by all means, ask your lady to show you. She'd be more than happier to show you how to dance. Besides that, it's really cute when a guy is open to the idea of 'learning how to dance.' About your acne, if a girl loves you, acne wouldn't be a problem. If you want to avoid having acne, I believe that the remedy is to not eat too much chocolates, oily foods, and maybe spicy food. Stones- I don't know much about.

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