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Keep Telling Myself That I Shouldn't Be Jealous.any help!

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Last year I met this guy in orchestra because he sat next to me and he just kept talking to me so we became very close friends, both inside and outside of orchestra. He was my stand partner and all year we pretty much had a really good time.


After about 6 months of knowing each other, he confessed his true feelings for me, that he had seen me as more than a friend...I tried to let him down easy because I didn't want a boyfriend at that point in the year also our friendship was too awesome and I was afraid to risk losing that. So I told him, I see him as a friend and then I tried to pretend that it never happened afterward.


So when we both tried out for honor orchestra we both got in, except I got a higher chair and ended up sitting next to some other guy, in no way did I like this guy, but my guy friend would always come up to me and be like, "HI!" while I was talking to him and then I'm like, "yeah?" and then he'd say, "I forgot." So I don't know I could tell he was jealous by the way he acted, but that was not my intent or anything, all I did was talk to my stand partner.


So this year, new school, new orchestra, we're not sitting next to each other, that's only fair, I expected that, but here's the thing...I thought it wouldn't bother me, but he sits next to this really hot girl who is a few years older than both of us. I'm admitting, I am jealous, but why?! Do I have feelings for him? I know that I don't own him or have a claim on him, but I just wish that that was me sitting there laughing with him. At lunch he even brought her up, I just kinda nodded.


What do I do to tell myself that I shouldn't be jealous? Any input appreciated.

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oooooh that's a tough one.


what do you think you're feelings are? do you think maybe you just like that he admires you maybe, that it's flattering when his attention is on you but when he is interested in someone else maybe you are losing the attention and that's what is bothering you?


or do you think you might like him in a way that you might want to be with him?


because really, someone can easily be jealous of someone that they don't really even like.... true...

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