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The guy who I loved before and it comes again...

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Well, seems to me i knew this guy for 3 years but not as much and then he moved to a different school and i havent seen him for a year in a half! Tho he did manage to come to the same school because the other school wasnt good and all but, well, I had a crush on him for a while back in the 7 or 8th grade and till this year he came and im starting to get feelings for him again. I dont know he's attracted to me but the problem is, I cant seem to get good topics to talk about. I know i knew him for three years but i didnt hang around with him as much back then till now. but anyways, Him and i hang out along with my other friend. He will sorta talk when three of us meet, but when she leaves, him and i are speechless. he'll sometimes end up fiddleing with his fingers and looking back on his shoulder. I ask him whats wrong and he says "nothing..." and its true cause hes not looking for anybody. Attraction???

Other thing is he likes to poke me in the arm alot and one time my friend asked him, "Why do you do that alot?" he'll smile and say "To make her angry." I do seem to "play back" at the pokeing thing and he'll do the poking vice versa... attraction???

Well when we are left alone i asked him what did you do on vacation? how was your day? weekend? and then i drop the questions cause i cant think of anything else! and i thought asking him to the dance for sadies and i dont know if i have the guts to...

any help???


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Ok first off - RELAX! You seem to be overanalyzing everything the guy does or says. I also did that back in the day and let me tell you, it doesn't get you far at all


Now for the examples you gave, I think the poking thing might be something. Guys around that age are known to bother the girls they like for attention! As for the silence and not knowing what to say, I think that could be shyness on both parts. Think about it, while you are sitting there wondering what to say next he's probably thinking the same. He's either A) shy or B) really has nothing to say! Guys can be like that sometimes.


And asking him all those questions, try not to do that too much. Just relax and let the conversation flow. If you ask him question after question the conversation will feel like an interview process and no one really likes that. Next time you two get together don't think too much about what to say or what he means by how he acts. Just play it cool and everything will reveal itself to you eventually

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