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Hey my girlfriend wants to lose about 25-30 pounds to feel better about herself and her image. I told her I love her no matter what and I will help support her and encourage her. For the past two weeks she has been running twice a day for about 30 minutes each and then does a 8 min abs workout. She also portions her meals more and watches what she eats. Are these two exercises enough to help her loose the weight that she wants or should she be do other exercises. If so what kind of workout would you really see results from? Please give me your input.

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Just wanted to say that when you say You love them anyway it really helps

My ex told me that everytime i was down on my weight, I weigh 260lbs, but a year ago I weight 397.

Loving just the way they are is the best support you can give. Boost in self esteem, thats what helped me.

I got dumped and I still fell good about myself.

I look forward to going to the gym everyday, and I keep my head up.


She will lose what she wants just love her no matter what, and let her know

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She is doing plenty of cardio for someone just beginning as she should ease into it as she starts.


She should make sure she does take 1-2 days OFF a week though from running, as it is hard on your body and you need to recover from it, and also it helps you keep at it by keeping it fresh. Overexercising (not taking rest days ever) can cause you to burnout, get bored, or worse cause overuse injuries that sideline you for a long time. She can try changing it up with intervals (it makes things more fun and increases calorie burn for same period of time), or working towards a goal - like a local 5 k run. There are groups with that focus she may want to join. Maybe get her a subcription to a Running magazine.


She also needs to ensure she eats enough for her exercise...- diet is 90% of what your body will develop into. Eating too little calories can cause to to retain weight as you put body in starvation mode. Eat healthy - veggies, whole grains, lean protein, low fat dairy, fruit and so on. Limit sugar/refined carbs like white bread and too many sweets (a treat now and then is good though..still need to live after all ). She should keep a food log and put EVERYTHING in it..and put in the calorie/fat contents of them. Even a bite of ice cream should be put in there. It adds up. Over time she will see where she can cut extra from, or where she is getting more than she thought, or where she is lacking. Remember, even liquids count!


I would make one change - she should add strength training. Women typically have little muscle mass, but muscle burns calories more efficently. There is no worry of her bulking up - women simply do not get bulky as they do not have enough testosterone (body builders and such do it with supplements/drugs to play with their hormones). It will however add tone, strength and increase her metabolism. It also will help prevent osteoporosis later in life. She should do workouts for arms/chest/back and legs as well. I would get her to consult a personal trainer for a couple sessions to get started - it will be worth the money. But make sure she researches the right trainer for one, and whom is well educated themselves (not someone who just got some degree online).

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