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Does anyone feel this way in a Relationship???

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Here are my feelings i have been with the same man for 2 yrs, we have had our ups and downs jst like every relationship. We have this habit of breaking up over something little,hurt feelings, his long term commitment phobias,etc etc..... I cannnot stay away from the guy! no matter what i do i try to keep my distance not talk to him or return his text msg's but its impossible its like this vicous cycle. Its my fault i know its easier to give in when you care about someone then walk away. But i cant shake this feeling that i should jst get over him and get on with my life, no matter how great were getting along i somehow seem to come back to the same conclusion..How do you get over someone you care about but know in the long run there is No future??

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Getting over a guy you know is not healthy for your future, is by knowing yourself better as well. Take time learning about yourself, spending time with friends/family & yourself in what you enjoy or always wanted to do just for yourself. Remember, that there are guys out there that are good for you & that you had a life before you met him! Start seeing other new guys when you're ready & don't be afraid to take risks. Then you'll realize from your ex, that you 2 weren't compatible. And there is someone out there who is much better. Have self-confidence in yourself which is healthy not only for yourself, but a very strong attractive factor that guys love!

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hey you know what i have the same problem right now, the only difference is that we're both girls..

i've been trying to break up with her because i realized that we don't have any future becasue we're both of the same gender, but i don't know why i still come back to her after breaking up with her!

when we're together, i always worry and is confused on what to do because i know that im really destined for a man, but when i break up with her, i start crying again and come back after a few hours.i really don't kow what to do..no matter how hard i try i can't seem to let go of her even when im suffering emotionally.

Im so used to being with her all the time. what will i do the next weekend thinking that she's no longer mine? i also always think of things like "what if after our relationship she'd have another girl to love, hug, and kiss again?" i don't know how to accept that!

Sorry for not giving you the advice that you wanted, i just hope that we would know the answers to our problem..pm me if you want to talk..

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If you really feel as though there is no future for the two of you, even though it is going to be really hard, just try to slowly let go. If you have to still see him and be in the relationship then do so, but slowly let go. Hang out with him a little less and maybe you can slowly start to let go.


Because let me tell you from experience that if you continue in this relationship, you are going to wake up years down the line and realize what a mistake you had made and the hurt that you have to go through now, is worth the fact that there is someone else out there for you. And if you stay with this guy you will not meet 'the one' and you will wake up years down the road, maybe too late and realize what you should have done along time ago.


I know it hurts and it is so hard, but if you know in your heart there is no future then remember life is tooo short.

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My problem isn't quite the same as your's, but with my ex and I. Something will usually come up where he dumps me, then I call him later and then it happens again. It all is very painful and emtionally draining for me. I don't know how to forget about the past because I love him, but evidently he doesn't love me. And I've experienced some heartbreaking things in my life, but knowing that you love someone who doesn't love you back is one of the worst feelings for me.

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