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Should I try again?

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Homecoming soon to be here.


Friday, I took a chance and decided to ask a guy to homecoming. This guy i so happened to like. I like him a lot actually.


He told me that he wasn't going to go because he didn't have any money. I told him that he doesn't need money for homecoming. If he showed up in jeans and a T I would not care becauce I just want to be there with him. He apologized and thanked me for the offer. I had this really disappointed look on my face when he said it and i tried not to have one, but it came anyways. I then had to start walking away at the end of the convo because I was about to cry. I didn't mean to either. Before I asked him after the game friday he was looking over at me like the whole time I had break. After halftime since i am in the marching band.


Do you think that he said that he doesn't have the money because he doesn't want to go with me? Or Because he might be shy, or really no money? I think theres a reason to it. i really do. But like when i talk to him and I look into his eyes gah, i feel something so great, its like all my fears never exsisted.


The thing is classes got changed 3rd week into school and i no longer have any classes with him nor do i see him through the halls. Only at games now. Should I like write him a letter letting him know how i feel. To let him know that it was ok that he said no, but if he wanted to talk to call me. I dont have his number or a e-mail. So a letter is all i can do unless he calls me if i givehim my number. I just want him to know that i don't care what he wears and that if he needed it i would help him out with the money if at all possible, im trying to stay cheap as well. I want him to know that i love the way his eyes glow. Why I like him and why i want to get to know him more. Should i try this again?


I really like him and I will do anything and everything I can.


What should I do?



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I don't think it would possibly hurt to write him a letter, but I don't recommend that you tell him you'd help him buy clothes unless you know him well enough to know that it wouldn't hurt his pride at all...


But maybe send him a letter saying some of those nice things you'd mentioned and give him your phone number saying you'd like to meet up outside of school...


It can't possibly hurt to try one more time...

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