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It poped twice, should i be worried??


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and the reason so many people tell you to enjoy your childhood is because when you get into your 20's you don't have much time to be carefree like you can at your age.


Enjoying your childhood isn't bad advice and it shouldn't be taken as lecturing or nagging or annoying. Its something you should listen to since every person who has told you to do so is older and already been where you are.


at the very least, lets hope you don't end up pregnant, abortion under any circumstance other than rape makes me absolutely sick, please learn a lesson from your scare here

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i no i should have listened to my therapist mom n sister but just i dint no back then worrying about being pregnant would have been this stressful and if i could go back in time to change my mistake i would but even if i would have done so, i would not no what the stress would have been about and would have had sex either way...


Though i no it would be sick to have an abortion, but what other choices do i have?

And also i asked my boyfriend what i should do if get a test and it is positive, and he said i should get an abortion....

i was shoked when he said that, mostly him whom loves children, but he is right neither him or i could affort the child either way...so it would have to be put up for adoption....i would rather die than do so....

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have you gotten the test yet?


if its positive then we can walk you through what to do, but what a 13-14 year old boy wants should be of little consequence to you, welcome to the adult world.


If, and lets pray it isn't, the test is positive, its a personal decision that you make on your own. You will not marry this boy so he is not to be thought of. What do you feel is the best course of action?

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though i understand where my boyfriend is coming from though he is 16 going on 16 in the same time i will be 14......we are exactly 2 year difference...though i did not get the test just yet i will wait til tomorrow after skool to go get a home test, cuz i would go today my parents would be questionaning where im going what i will do and who i will be with....and its almost impossible to leave the house with a bad exuse knowing my parents....


though if the test is positive i wonder if my grand-parents would make me, marry my boyfriend, though the problem is (stupid problem but this is the way with my grand-parents) my boyfriend is black and i am italian and i recently heard my grand-dad say he does not lik black guys mixing into my famli and my grand-ma egreed...so i am very worryed...my grand-parents still dont no about my boyfriend and would kill me if they saw me in a few months with a big belly.....

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That's it - enough flaming and no more lecturing.


This girl needs support, not criticism. Let's wait until she has the results and we'll take it from there.


Melissa - Don't get too worked up about this yet. You don't know the results so you don't know what to do, and you're not expected to.


Try to take your mind off it until you get the tests.

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in my opinion, its better to consider the worst and be prepared for it then hope for the best and be hung out to dry when the worst comes true


having said that i quit with all the preparation stuff.


Old-world italian grandparents huh...tough...dated 3-4 girls with people like that who didn't like that i wasn't italian (but i am white...i know white people live in italy so i duno what gave there)


anyway, i don't know any way to tell unless waiting for a missed period...feeling sick all of the time is probably a good way to judge, a friend of mine did this same thing.


she was puking all of the time, 2 weeks late, sick to her stomach 9/10 of the day, tired, and getting steadily bigger. I am about to text her and ask when it all started for you. I'll post the answer she gave, even though im sure 1 or 2 people on this forum have been pregnant before and could help you lol.

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Thanks a lot both of you, (Jay and Amannamederic)

Well for now all i can do is wait til tomorrow and go buy thoses home tests and see what they bring and of course ill talk to my boyfriend aand see wat he says and blablabla....

though i dint no italian gran-parents are so anti-other cultures other than italians......thats so bad...

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its true, but dont push it, im still an italian...though it depens where in italy, i think they do that mostly in sicily where i come from in italy its more cool with the marrage thing and cousin blood line things, but the old world of italians will always not lik for there grand-children to marry someone whos not italian as well....

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Once again another reminder to all of you to be respectful with your advice. Otherwise I'm going to start removing posts and sending out warnings.


You are all welcome to your opinion but be mindful of how you state it. Personal attacks and flaming is NOT permitted on the forum.

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around the 20th you say? well thats pretty far so if you take the test now it could turn out to be negative since it would be too early to tell..

this is the advice I can give you.. tomorrow after school. go with a friend to a clinic near your house.

Or wait til you get your period and if you dont get it, take the test.

would you keep this baby?


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actually i am very scared about this , and i dont no, wat to do if it would turn out positive.....though i m talking to my boyfriend about this suject now......and what he tells me is if it turns out possitive he says i sould give it up.....i dont no but my bf seems a bit shellfish about it.....since he says evryone would hate him, his famli, his friends, anfd evryone....and he tells me he has alridy a lot of problems lik army, skool, and much more....

but im thinking i dont no i dont care of what would hapen with my famli, being kicked out of the house......skool, friends...i dont care i just dont want to know that i killed a human being and if i brake up with my bf then lets say i marry another n tell him that i was pregnant once n killed it.....thats a bit shoking to no.....


though i feel so messed up inside....i kinda wamt the child but then all the consequances....and i dont no i feel sick to my heart i dont no cuz its a teen thing when bad things hapen or cuz im pregnant....

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whoa your not pregnant yet you dont know for sure,


he does sound a bit selfish but its not your fault you got this way, it takes 2 people not 1 to have sex...except in choice situations.


relax a bit, just wait it out, your family probably won't kick you out, they might be mad, but they love you and will do their best to help you, by no means however, mention this to them unless you are pregnant.


I would like a PM when you get your results, like i said i know someone who aborted a baby not long ago, and i know a girl who told her family she was pregnant, they made her keep it, but she has a daughter now whom she loves more than words could describe.


there are upsides to both decisions...and downsides to both...keep me updated

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i shall and thanks alot for your seport, though i cant wait til tomorrow to go and get the results, cuz i dont no where to go if i anna see a doctor to get the tests so in the meantime i will take a home test....but i will go ask my guidance conselor about where to go see a doctor....

though tell me plz what hapenned to the gurl whom got an abortion?

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