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How do I tell my best friend that I'm cutting?

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I want to tell my best friend that I cut myself. I really trust her, but I don't know how to tell her. What makes it harder is telling her how I would do it. I would use a blade, but right before I would cut myself with it I would heat it in a fire until it is around 100 degrees. Then I would cut myself with the searing hot blade.

(I know she cuts [on her left arm]. She makes sure her left arm is completely covered. Even if she is wearing a tanktop, only her left arm is covered) I am tired of keeping this a secret from her and she knows I am hiding something. This is that something.


Can someone tell me how to tell her?




PS> Oh and, don't tell me to show her the scars. I only wear jeans, I never wear shorts (I cut my leg anywhere above the knee). Not even professional doctors want to look at the scars (I'm serious, they don't).

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Hey. I understand what you're going through. I wanted to tell a good friend of mine that I cut myself and I found it to be very difficult finding the right time. Well, eventually the conversation about depression came up (she gets depressed every once in a while and I help her out) and I eventually just said "yeah, I think I have depression." She asked me why and then I lifted my sleeves and showed her the scars.


She was at first shocked and then she told me that she'd tried it too and showed me a scar on her ankle.


Basically you just have to find an opening in the conversation, or just bring it up yourself. You could say something like "so how are your scars going?" or something like that.


I hope this helps.


If you want to talk about it you can PM me or you can chat to me on MSN. I'm usually online.


Good luck



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I think before talking to your friend about something that serious, you have to question your incentives to do such a thing. Do you think that you want to come out into the open about your cutting because you realize that you need help, and you think that confronting your friend is the best first step you can take toward getting that help? This is a good sign if it means that you are wanting help, but bear this in mind: is she really the best person to help you out in this situation? Do you really want to put the burden of your recovery on her?


If that's not the reason, do you think that it'll make the two of your closer (since you both do it)? If so, well... not exactly the best idea for many complicated and obvious reasons alike.


Or do you want to impress her? Because I get the impression that you're trying to impress us (maybe on a subconscious level) by saying that not even professional doctors would want to see your scars (a.k.a. they're pretty severe). Impressing people with your scars - again, not the best idea.


You should also consider the fact that if you do tell her, subtly or not, eventually she'll want to see them. And if it's true that they're severe, do you think she'd want to see them? It's only natural to be curious to see what they look like, especially coming from the vantage point of another cutter - so the real question is, do you want her to see your scars or be laden with a nagging curiosity to see them?


I don't know why you want to communicate this info to her - there are so many possible reasons - but just try and evaluate your intentions, and decide, based on those, if you really should tell her or not. Think about what impact it'll have on her as both your friend and a fellow cutter.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It took me a long time to tell my best friend and when I did she wasn't mad at me but made me feel better and was part of the reason why I could stop. My boyfriend was the other part. I nearly killed myself doing it and it's a big eye opener to what the world can really be like.

Now I'm not even depressed. Confide in those around you and maybe they can help you. Believe in yourself and try to improve your self confidence.


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  • 2 weeks later...

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