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Suggestions anyone?? Please!!


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Do any gals out there know how to achieve orgasm during intercourse?? Any pointers?? LOL. I'm a girl and I can't do it during intercourse. I think some of it may be because when I was little (like 4) I used to masturbate (not knowing what it was) to things that made me mad. I used to relieve myself on the things that I just hated and I think I trained my libido to react only under uncomfortable circumstances.... YIPES!!!! Can anyone help me or suggest anything?? When my boyfriend and I have sex I just can't cum, even tho he is really gorgeous and I love him. The thing that really bothers me is that is ex-girlfriend used to be able to cum and I'm jealous... like I'm not good enough

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wow, i thought i had heard it all but you beat me there girl, well the question is wether you want the long solution or the short one, the short one is simple, you come to me and i teach you how!LOL!, kiddin there, just couldnt stop myself from sayin tht..anyways, the proposed long solution.. sex i kno and you kno probably better is all in that little region above your eyes, maybe you're trying too hard to reach an orgasm, just outta jealousy? if you try too hard it'll never come to ya no matter how good ur lover is, what i am trying to say is you've got to stop expecting it to happen all the time, take the lovemaking in its stride, enjoy the moment without any expectations and if nothing works, then ask for my phone number!LOL!


Its all inside girl, i've a hard time enjoying sex with a person i am not emotionally connected to, so i've always delayed that physical connection till i was emotionally connected to her, which can take me from a month to 4 to 6 months, and often i would sit down and wonder why am not like the regular joe whow wants to get out there and score..and then i realized that the comparision was taking its toll on me, so i just stopped wondering and started doing things my way.


You say that uncomfortable situations turn you on, well maybe dangerous situations would turn you on too! so try doin it in public places, someplace where there's a danger of being caught, or maybe in all weird places you can think off, challenge yourself to see how and what can keep you satisfied, good luck in that quest and i hope you 'get off' soon I hope you dont mind me bein a bit bocky (replace 'b' with 'c') here and there in this post, but i've tried to put down some honest comments down here about your situation, but then again you and only you are the master of your domain.

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Wish I could point you to some good websites... Google Dr. Sue Johnson..

she's excellent.


As far as cumming during intercourse. The odds of a woman coming with intercourse alone are pretty darn low. Something like 10% can go to completion with intercourse alone.


Have you tried different positions where you can reach down and stimulate your clitoris.


Or... have you tried running fantasies in your head? Are you able to masterbate manually on your own? What do you run through your head while you are doing that? Read a good Romance novel. THEA DEVINE is a very sexy read in terms of romance. Pick up a few of those scenarios and run them in your head while... in the throes of passion. Setting yourself as the heroine and him as the hero of the book. SEX is mostly in the mind... so this might help you out.


And.. do not be jealous of old flames. You are an entirely different person and a SEX GODDESS in your own right. Did he tell you that she was able to come just from intercourse??? How does he know that it was real? He doesn't. LOL. So heads up GF... if you can't cum during intercourse alone... you are NOT alone.. your amongst great company. Nothing that a few licks here and there by your lover won't cure though. Have him start doing tongue pushups and put his mouth to better uses than discussing his old girlfriend.

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