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Hormones mess with your mind!! (rant)

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It's so true when people say being a teenager is the worst part of growing up! You have exams, HORMONES, appearances etc ...


The thing is you fall in and out moods all the time your happy, your sad, your calm, your stressed and the thing is I wish I could live my teenage life emotionless! I'd rather not feel anything that suffer!


You see sometimes I only have to look at a guy once and your addicted! It's like you only have to see that person once and you think your in love but your not its just your body adapting to maturity!!!


The thing is I go through life with so many MAJOR crushes and I hate it! their either too old, married, imature or just don't like you in the same way you like them! So unfair!!! The thing is boys my age (17) are so immature!! I want someone older who I can to that will understand and listen!!! I have a crush on this guy who's at college but he's married. this happens so much!


Why can't I be emotionless!



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It's not being a teenager. It's just the way some people are wired. You'll meet the right guy when it's the right time. For now focus on education because without it life is a lot harder and boys will be around in one way or another for a very long time.

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I think you and i would be such great friends if we ever met. when i was your age i felt the SAME WAY, 100%!! I thought BOYS my age were discusting (when i was in school, that is!) I always had crushes, like Alanis Morriset says in her song, "Ironic", "Its like meeting the man of your dreams, and I'm meeting his beautiful wife.." Story of my life!! I always felt all the good ones were taken..(still do..lol) Now that I am 24, the hormones calm down but are still there, i still have crushes even though i am engaged.. its just like you cant help it, the feelings keep coming, no matter how commited or in love you really are.

I think that at any age your always going to feel emotions... i have been out on my own for 5 years now and there are times that get so tough i just wish i could be back home in mom and dad's safety and security, then there are times when things are good and i feel like i could conqure the world...I think what makes it easier when your not a teenager is you start to understand why your feeling the way you do, and you learn ways to help it.

Hang in there, its all worth it!!

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I dont think there is anyway to avoid them. Your bodys gunna feel what it wants.. when it wants...the only way to completely avoid it would to be to avoid the person all together, but thats sometimes impossible.

In time the feelings will lessen, especially if you find someone or something else to focus on.

I obsessivly crushed on my sis's friend for 6 years.. then i finally got the chance to be his girl.. then we had to move away, and i was devastated.. but now when i see him the crush feeling is totally gone, my tastes in men have changed, so that helpd ease that crush. I dont think there really is a way to be "crush free" lol

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We've all been at that stage.


That's why it's so difficult for teens to focus on their education with complete determination - there are always external factors which affect one's concentration and ability to perform.


It eases (but never ceases) in later life. Just hang in there and try to stick in at school - it's your best chance to a good life.

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Im at college now.


You know I go through these days weeks even where I feel totally depressed. No-one has to have done anything to annoy me or upset me but I do feel utterly sad.


I guess when I see couples it hurts. sometimes I don't feel as though I deserve to be with anyone at all ... I don't feel pretty. most people are just born with good looks.


I don't wanna feel self-hatred, but I do when I feel these crushes!!


I really ... really wanna be emotionless right now ...

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I hate it though ...


the one thing buzzing in my head is that I'm in 6ht form College now! and eventually I have to face a time when I HAVE too leave I don't want to. I have grown so fond ot my school/college I am finding any excuse to stay on once this yr is up.


I want to be near my friends and the teachers that made my school life so happy. I don't want to leave them!


I hate my life! I feel so depressed and everyone at colege thinks I'm happy but I'm hiding my true feelings behind a false smile! I feel so depressed and I don't know whats causing it! I'm not ment to feel sooo useless and unhappy I don't know how to deal with it, I just wanna feel happy ...


I'm very very happy at College (exept for the re-sitting maths part) and I just having mixed feelings about everything such as: Teachers, love, subjects, apearance etc ...


I'm sooo confused!!!

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I disagree that being a teenager makes one screwed up. Thats just a sterotype. The fact is that the worst times are when you are two or three, because your genes "tell" you to act in antisocial way, but your parents want to teach you to act in a certain way. As you get older, you become more and more compliant to your parents and society's demands, and less influenced by your genes.


Being a teenager can be a wonderful time. Make the most of it, because when you are old, you won't have the energy to many of the things you do when you were young.


ANd also, what is wrong with crushes??? I have liked several girls who will never like me.....crushes are fun....

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I don't see it like that. When your 2 or 3 your pampered by your parents and you get away with things because "You don't know any better" however being a teenager is worst because we have to suffer the absolute stress and pressure of exams and everything!


ComputerGuy is right crushes can hurt thats why I'm feeling completely out of it now! I have never had a crush that I have thought nothing of.

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I've found that I don't develop crushes as easily as I used to, and when I do...it's not the same feeling that I'd die or something if I didn't get to have a relationship with this person. I think there are alot of messed up people out there, as well as alot of good people. Until you can determine who the person really is, a strong physical attraction on it's own is really meaningless. Of course 2-3 years ago, I didn't know this lol.

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I hide my my real feelings away from everyone. I don't like telling people how i feel.


I feel stupid just writing on here I feel weird ...


my heart is breaking a little each day and I just don't want to live anymore ... I just want to hide away and die. I feel sooo helpless and im hurting all the time.


sometimes I want to cry and my body wont let me

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I've got double personalities. With my friends I'm funny, have lots of energy, and witty. When I'm with ppl I don't know I bet they think I'm this mellow, boring quiet dude... It sucks cause I can't really control it... I try to say funny stuff but nobody seems to get me and I feel like and idiot... In one of my classes there are lots of annoying girls. But I'm surrounded by a bunch of girls who are quiet most of the time. I try to talk to them but I feel like a loser when I do cause I can't make a convo last for more than 30 secs. When I don't speak, I feel like a boring jerk. It makes me so mad ... Why can't I always be the same? It's like a mask I put on involuntarily... In my school it's like 40% hispanics and I'm hispanic, but I don't have a single hispanic friend (in fact, I don't get along with many of them...). I'd say most girls I dunno who are my age think I'm boring and too serious. But I'm not! I say funny *beep* all the time when I'm with persons I can relate with... It's baffling really. I'm so confused man. When will I feel okay with talking and when is it better to keep my mouth shut? And girls are confusing too. I don't like these years either... I hope things change soon (now that I'll be 18, and I feel I'm well past puberty. All that turmoil should end).


And I dunno what you mean by boys your age being immature a bad thing... I mean, being too serious isn't good either apparently, cause if it were I wouldn't have so much trouble socializing with new ppl... And this is the last year we have left to be immature (cause I dunno about you, but I'm a 12th grader already, and college is the time when you have to be mature to survive).


And plz don't feel bad about yourself... I'm going through the same crap too, and 2 years ago it was even worse... It was like damn, I felt like the lowest most worthless loser to ever walk the face of earth... Now at least I get by and try to adapt and change and "fight back" even though I'm having a difficult time now (but I know I'll overcome this in the end... I just know... I've done it before, I'll do it again). So, plz don't feel so down. I know you can get over this too. Hope you feel better.



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I know exactly how you feel...I do the same thing a lot even now. You learn to cope with it better as time goes on, you just have to try not to think about things too much in the mean time. I've found keeping busy helps cause when you sit doing nothing, your mind wanders and when your mind starts wandering chances are that it is goint to start wandering to the things that you really don't want to think about.

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I've found keeping busy helps cause when you sit doing nothing, your mind wanders and when your mind starts wandering chances are that it is goint to start wandering to the things that you really don't want to think about.


That's a great idea. Also, I'd suggest you find someone you can trust and talk to them... Let it all out. You say you're afraid to cry, then go ahead and cry all you need to if it makes you feel better. You don't have to be miserable because of some guy you don't even know well... Get something you can hit (a big cushion or pillow. Or better yet, a punching bag) and let the anger out. Do what you need, but don't keep this things bottled up inside you cause you'll end up exploding like a volcano. I don agree with skyteph. You only live once, and when you're older, you'll miss feeling what you felt as a teenager. The emotion, the energy, everything. I bet you will. And I know that even though I'm not doing so fine myself, I also will miss being a teen and being in highschool (I know which things I will miss from it already...). Relax and enjoy life and don't keep emotions inside of you like that. Good luck.

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