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best friends like eachother

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so last week i told my best friend carolyn that i liked her. n it turns out that she liked me for 2 years(since weve been friends). so she also told me that she liked me. the only problem is that she has a boyfriend. now she told me before that she would leave him for me but i dont want her to leave him because i think she really likes him.but then the next day she says how much she loves him. the only thing that makes me not want her 2 break up with him is that his mom is like really sick n the medication she has 2 take makes her sort of crazy(she hears things n yells n its crazy). n she isnt going to last muh longer. shes been goin out wit him for 5 months. but i dont know what i should do. i like her and i would love to hook up but i just feel dumb n like i shouldn't have told her because now i feel weird when ever i see her and i cant reallt talk to her the same way. i think i messed up

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oo..happens to alot of people..yeah i wouldnt want to hurt that kid much more..with his mom like that..and then his girlfriend breakin up with him..man that might make him do something crazy ya kno what i mean? i dont know..hmm..maybe u should give it sometime and just keep doin what yer doin and wait till carolyn and her b/f work things out..then wait a whiel to see what happens and try to hook up with her ...hope this helps..good luck and i hope the best for you three

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i forgot to mention that if her b/fs mom dies hes gotta move to cali n thats a far away place from mass. i dunno i prolly wouldnt have done this if she wasnt on tonight. she said she wanted to talk 2 me but she didnt come on like she said she would so now i gotta wait till tommarow

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Jeez I have been answering alot of tough ones tonite and this is one of them! First off, you sound like such a fantastic guy thinking about the wellbeing of others before yourself. That is definitely one of the finest charateristics a personality can have and you've got it. But but but! Although in his (the bf) ignorance of thinking his girlfriend is probably entirely devoted to him, he is actually being cheated by her in that she has feelings for someone else. Trust me, if he knew the reason she was with her (because you both feel he needs her for support) he would not be a happy person and he would rather she be entirely truthful to him. So although you both will be hurting him in doing so, and although you will probably feel like a selfish moron, it is only fair that he knows the truth regardless of how much it will hurt him. He will feel like his world is crashing down around him but once he's recovered he'll be alot better off and so will the both of you. Poor guy, I feel for him...

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