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I dont know wat to do....

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A friend told me about this site so i thought i give it a try. I guess I'm still in love w/ my ex. We're been broken up for a year and a half now. We still see each other once in a while. Or lets say do things that we shouldn't be doing. I recently had a friend tell me that he still loves me but he's not sure if he wants to be w/ me again. I really love him and because of that, it jeopardized my new relationship w/ someone who was really nice. I want to be w/ my ex again but I tried and I'm afraid to bring it up cuz I dont want him to think that I'm breaking apart again like i did previously. I just dont know wat to do. i just want to be w/ him. Its hard to forget him because he's the first guy that i have fallen hard for. wat can I do to make it happen again.

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I find it really hard to be the one that still loves the ex. There are reasons why relationships dont work. We can't help who we love. He should have realized that you needed some space and not just taken it as a reason to leave the relationship completely. It sounds like you guys do more than see each other once in a while. So it sounds to me like you guys have a conection still you just have to identify what type of connection it is. After you figure it out you might be able to see a bit more clearly. Then i would talk to him about how you feel.


**I know I really can't talk because i still love my ex to some extent...and am having a hard time dealing with the fact that i have to forget about him. or at least forget the feelings I have for him. because he will always be with me memories wise.

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