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My best friends brother can i cant i and how?

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ok so my best friends brother came to help us move in to our new flat and the minute i saw him i was blown away by his eyes and his mmmm i dont know just i got that feeling butterflies and everything even now as im thinking about him. then we spent two days toegther and got to know each other a lili mjore whle my friend his sister was cleaning and he said maybe i should get to know him myself rather than through his sister and i was like mmm yeah ok. then there was some flirting and the next day we were on the tube and we touched knees and oh my goodness i just realised how 14year old i sound im 20 its crazy i know and its not like i can persue can i? i do think he flirted back but im not sure if thats as far as itgoes im going to her house in 17days and i may see him then but im not sure if i can wait that long its driving me crazy its nuts i know whats going on with me!!!! hes so yum he makes my stomach flip.

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Why can't you pursue him? If she is really your friend she will want what is best for you and for her brother - and that may be that the two of get together.


Bear in mind it may get awkward if you broke up later on - but a good friendship should survive that.

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You like him and he's really interested in you. So he's your best friend's brother so what. There's no law that says you can't date her brother.


If you wait too long somebody else will come along and he'll be snapped up!


Grab happiness while you can because we never know what fate has instore for us. Think of the recent London bombings and 9/11.


Give him a ring and start talking.


Good luck and take care.



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Just say hi and ask him out to see a film, a pizza or something.


If I'd had to wait for my husband to ask me out I'd still be waiting. The same goes for my first husband.


Go for it.


Good luck.




P.S. You can PM me anytime to talk about anything. I understand how you must be feeling. My Mother died of cancer in 2000! Better still I'm on MSN Messenger if you want my address.

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hey i'm new to this and i just read ur forum. if u're interested in the guy u should definitely go for it. but u might also might want to talk to ur best friend first out of respect. even though u r free to date whoever u want. By dating her brother, it might cause some conflict in ur friendship. So u might want to run it by her first and get a blessing.

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