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Play hard


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Be who you are, the guy should appeciate it. As long as your not throwing yourself at the person and making him or her the only thing in your life, then say how you feel. No games, no chase, just honesty.


And if he's going to walk away when you show interest, don't waste your time with him.

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No games, no chase, just honesty.
If your not somewhat of a challenge a guy won't be AS attracted to you if you were playing a bit of hard-to-get. Shysouls just one of the 1% of guys out there that doesn't care if his gf isn't a challenge. There has to be some sort of challenge in a relationship, if not, that's a bad thing. You don't have to be a challenge all the time that is not fun for the guy, he'll eventually give up if your hard-to-get all the time. Hard-to-get is like a once and a while thing I believe. When a guy is starting to notice you and get a bit interested, this is a time you can play hard to get but show interest as well, when your friends don't play hard to get very much, in a relationship do it once in a while.
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It depends on the guy. Some guys like the chase, and some don't. Personally I hate it when women play hard-to-get because I find dating and approaching very hard to begin with, so when someone makes it harder because they think it's 'fun', this makes me very angry.


In fact, while I'm on the subject, I hate having to be the one that 'chases'. In my opinion this gives a great deal of power to the other person and does not make the 'chaser' feel good about themselves. Try to always think about how you are making the other person feel, and don't set yourself above them.

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