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I just want to write and share my feelings with the good people on this board. Here is my story. link removed


I choose to cut off our contact so to get rid of all the false hopes. But feeling very sad and depressed. Yet she keeps contacting me and I couldn't take it. Now my heart feels really hurt.


It has already been six months. Still feels like yesterday. She still has feelings for me, is letting go my only options?

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Stay away from her until you can get your emotions in check and be more stable. Healing and healing right is the only thing that will help you become more emotionally stable and in the right state of mind. Staying in contact with her right now for you, is like peeling off a scab and not letting your injury heal completely. So, don't tell her that you can't have contact - just cut her off. As cold as it may seem, it's the psychologically healthiest thing you can do for yourself right now. Once you're more stable and less emotional about her, you can decide whether or not you want to contact her again. Good luck.

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youve done the right thing cutting off contact. i dont blame her because it sounds like from your last post that she herself is hurting...but i think she is being too selfish and not caring enough about you and your feelings. you deserve to be with someone who appreciates you and not someone who takes advantage of you. maybe she will see or does see NOW how youve been there for her through thick and thin while her ex hasnt been as considerate.


either way though...i would hope you would end up with someone who is as considerate with you as you are to them. it shouldnt be so one-sided.


- ivy

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