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i dont want to smoke anymore

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hi...well ive been smoking for about 8 months now, and ive gotten to the point where i cant NOT have one cigarrette, and i KNOW how yellow it makes your teeth, and how it gives u wrinkles, believe me ive heard it ALL, and i dont even smoke THAT much, a packet a week prolly, but i dont want anymore lectures on all the bad it does to u, i mean i feel bad at the end of the day when i smoke, i feel dirty, but nothin really seems to make me stop, so does anyone know of a NEW way to make me stop smoking?...and i dont just want to stop smoking and still want it, (anyone can do that!) i want to be able to look at someone with a cigarette and NOT have the urge to smoke.

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Hi. I'm a smoker too.. well.. I'm in the process of quitting. I've tried literally everything.. but what I'm trying now seems to work the best. It worked for a friend of mine. Basically... u stay home... and only go out. for work, etc.. and basically avoid contact with smoker friends until your confident that you've quit. Also good to let your friends know in advance that you're quitting. And try to avoid stressful situations

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The way my dad stopped, and it took him a few tries to be honest, was he smoked his last cigarette on one of his birthdays. Once you do that, and try to not touch a cigarette, you will always want to have soemthing in your hands, and always wanting to eat also. My dad gained weight at first, but gradually got back in shape. Having people around you encouraging you is also something that can help. Tell your friends what you are trying to do, and they can maybe help you by supporting you.


It is a VERY hard thing to do, but once you do get rid of it, you will be SO happy you did.

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Well, it takes a lot of willpower - truly wanting and believing you can quit, staying away from situations you normally would smoke in and aids (like Nicoderm, or some drugs) all play a part.


My brother just quit after 8 years of smoking by taking a prescription from his doctor. After several tries with various methods (he always went back even after having quit for months due to stress, it was his coping mechanism) he finally has quit. They say it takes people an average of three attempts to quit....so aim to be on the low end of the average and do it in one!


P.S. It helps to get doing something else when you have cravings...just not something else addictive in a bad way! Go for a run, hit the gym, hope on your bike, call a friend to talk, go draw or paint......

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Call this hotline, 1-800-QUIT-NOW


This is a great service. It's the Tabacco quitline.


On the subject of smoking causing wrinkles, I just want to say that laughing, sleeping with a pillow, even using soap causes wrinkles. There are also plenty of teeth whitening products on the market that work. Don't worry about the vanity aspect of the whole thing. Quit for your lungs.


Oh, and stay away from the gum. It gives you mouth sores. I also know someone who stopped smoking with Nicorette, and then became hooked on nicorette ...

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Call this hotline, 1-800-QUIT-NOW


This is a great service. It's the Tabacco quitline.


On the subject of smoking causing wrinkles, I just want to say that laughing, sleeping with a pillow, even using soap causes wrinkles. There are also plenty of teeth whitening products on the market that work. Don't worry about the vanity aspect of the whole thing. Quit for your lungs.[/b]


That is a good hotline.



Well, yes those do cause wrinkles, but smoking is a bit different in that it dries out your skin more which causes them sooner, and deeper. And you can tell smokers by those "pucker lines" and creases they have around their mouth.


But lungs are very important....emphysema, lung cancer, cancer of the tongue, throat, mouth, NOT cool things to go through. And, at the most "minor" you can hardly walk up stairs without having trouble breathing. It also taxes your body in other ways, and increases risks of other cancers.

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Join a support group, first of all. My aunt used link removed.


A good friend of mine used the following plan for weed and cigarettes:


Figure out a goal for when you want to quit smoking. For example, say you want to be done by the end of this month, which would be a very real goal considering you don't smoke that much anyway. Get a piece of paper out. Write down every day from now until August 31st, and write down the number of cigarettes you'll smoke that day. For example:


8-24 - 3 cigarettes

8-25 - 3

8-26 - 2

8-27 - 2

8-28 - 2

8-29 - 1

8-30 - 1

8-31 - 0


Give yourself more time if you need to. Quitting as soon as reasonably possible is better than quitting cold turkey and going back later. Give yourself a reward for keeping your goal. (and no, cigarettes are not rewards )


On August 31st, wake up and tell yourself that you will not smoke a cigarette today. If you do get the urge to smoke at say, 10 in the morning, tell yourself that you'll smoke at noon and then distract the hell out of yourself. By noon, the craving will have probably passed.


Don't guilt yourself into doing this. You already know why you should quit, now do it because you actually WANT to.


You can do it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still trying - the hypocrits that say 'just stop' don't fully understand how hard it is.


It's as addictive as herion or cocaine.


The Nicorette lozengers are quite good - they quench the cravings - and as you can't eat with them in your mouth, it helps you stop binge eating to satisfy nicotine cravings.


The patches didn't work for me - I was allergic to the adhesive.


The microtabs were pretty uneffective and tasted like a blend of spices to be honest.


And the inhaler is probably the best one I've used to get rid of the cravings and it makes you feel like you're really smoking.

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