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currently at an online dating site. (a decent one)

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Anything else you wish to let your potential dates know about you?


When this question popped up earlier today, I had a very difficult time answering it, and it's still not completed. Lengthy application processes!!!! Aiieee!!



I may need some help in answering this question..either I'm too tired from school or I simply can't find anything from within myself. Another question that I'm stuck on is:


What do you like to talk about?

A good thing to know about me is:

What do you like most about yourself


The problem is simply not coming up with something to say..it is rather coming up with something INTERESTING AND INTICING and UNIQUE to say that will make ladies flock to my profile. It's the same thing tactic for resumes..an HR person will pass over hundreds of resumes that look the same, but will stop to take a look at the one that stands out, even if the applicant doesn't get the job. At least they got their foot in the door!








Over-the-top dramatics brought to you byyy:

Myself, a one man company who's gone confused for over 2 years about dating, and doing a darn good job at it since the break-up from Girlfriend! Our NASDAQ sticker is: LOOSR

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I actually believe its best to not say too much, like a pre-movie "teaser" just put little tid bits, leave something for the imagination.


the newer generation dating services have psychological profile tests (link removed, link removed) they are more expensive services but I believe the potential for better matches can be found there, this way you can filter out the majority of potential partners that you most likely wouldnt get along with.


I mean if your serious about finding long term partner stick with those premium services, what you save in money going out on dates with someone you wont get along with will more than pay for the service.


Once you search list is of potentials that match your personality type, all you have to do then is read their profiles and see what other traits you like best.


By the way, be pro-active, send winks, to all the girls that tickle your fancy. be sure that other guys are doing the same, but the odds are in your favor, from what i read online dating services have by volume more women looking for men than men after women.


Just be yourself, you want someone that likes you for who you are exactly, if your the quiet introverted type, guess what? there will be a girl just for you, if your the kind that likes to color his head green and parachute naked, guess what, somewhere there is a chick thats looking for a guy just like that.

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