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Older women = amazing!!!

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So the other day I met this woman on a dating site, and we ended up meeting for lunch. I just turned 19, and she is 47.


I was skeptical at first, as she messaged me, but she looked really good in pictures so I gave it a shot.


We talked for a while, then went to a motel room, where she ended up screwing my brains out for almost an hour. It was amazing, this woman absolutely rocked my world.


So any guys out there that are thinking about older women, if you have the chance dont pass it up!!!! Their expertice will make them monsters in bed.

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That was what I thought too....


Mu guess is that there is a reason for the hotel room and not home...perhaps a husband & children?


Don't get me wrong, one of my guy friends is dating a woman whom is 43 (he is 26) but it is about more than "screwing their brains out" and I totally respect their relationship. I'd say in your case, this is not exactly the first time she's done it......I hope you used a condom, and get yourself checked anyway, some things transfer condom or not. That expertise can come at a price..

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That thought ran through my mind too - I mean I am not 47, but I must say I don't exactly lay there like a starfish in bed and like to be part of the action..lol.


I think it has more to do with confidence in oneself and their sexuality then their age.

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bertissim0 I agree with you, older women can be great. They tend to be more comfortable with sex and some have great experience. Seems you may have offended some people but I see no need to pick apart your post. Of course not ALL older women are like this but that depends on whether or not you meant all older women are better literally. For what it's worth I'm glad you had fun.

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bertissim0... I am glad you had fun. Take the above posts seriously... she took you to a motel room, u need to be careful. Or maybe she just took him to a motel room because she doesn't want all the stray cats to know where she lives so they can come scratching at her door and howling during a full moon. LOL.


What makes a person GREAT in bed, dear heart is confidence, not age.


Personally, I'd never sleep with someone your age... I'm 38 and also agree with....



I must say I don't exactly lay there like a starfish in bed and like to be part of the action..lol


Its my comfort level in my own skin that makes me thus. However, don't be offended...but I would never sleep with a younger man... because to train them... is like house breaking a PUP... more problems than they are worth. Sorry doll. I like my men with a little more savy, experience and... a man who is grounded. The largest sex organ in the human body is the brain.. so it take a lot more to knock my socks off and make me want to "born to be wild" with him in bed.


Be smart and protect yourself. Predators come in all shapes and sizes... and sexes. Male and female.

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I've had my own experience with older females. Not in their 40s. But the more experienced ones are definitely very physically satisfying. I've found that in a relationship with them though, they tend to become the more manipulative/controlling/insecure/trust-issues type, which is very unattractive. My guess is that they go after younger guys cause they feel they can control or be saf around them.


Mind you, not all are like this. Out of 6 older girls/women I've been with, about four have been this way, the other two weren't manipulative/controlling/insecure/untrusting at all. But it is definitely a higher proportion than the girls I have been with who were only slightly older or slightly younger than me.


I do prefer older women though. Maybe it's some kind of fetish or something.

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However, don't be offended...but I would never sleep with a younger man... because to train them... is like house breaking a PUP... more problems than they are worth. Sorry doll. I like my men with a little more savy, experience and... a man who is grounded.

The guy says he had a great time with an older woman and you post this? Why? To make him feel inferior because YOU wouldn't sleep with a younger guy?

What makes a person GREAT in bed, dear heart is confidence, not age.

Hmmm, sounds a little "contradictive" doesn't it?

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I agree with shodishi.. it almost sounds like sour grapes to me..

I'm glad you found sex with an older woman wonderful.. I like to be with younger guys myself.. well.. maybe not 19 year olds.. but to each his/her own....

I'm also wondering just why these 20 something year olds are so offended by this? Wouldn't you like to think you would still be sexually attractive, sexually savvy enough to still satisfy a man, even a younger man, when you hit your 40s?

I think it is just our screwed up American culture.. once you hit a certain age.. you are "over the hill", not desirable to the opposite sex unless you are 25 or younger...

Hey.. lots of sexy older women out there.. look at Joan Collins, Mae West, Raquel Welch.

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I agree with shodishi.. it almost sounds like sour grapes to me..

I'm glad you found sex with an older woman wonderful.. I like to be with younger guys myself.. well.. maybe not 19 year olds.. but to each his/her own....

I'm also wondering just why these 20 something year olds are so offended by this? Wouldn't you like to think you would still be sexually attractive, sexually savvy enough to still satisfy a man, even a younger man, when you hit your 40s?

I think it is just our screwed up American culture.. once you hit a certain age.. you are "over the hill", not desirable to the opposite sex unless you are 25 or younger...

Hey.. lots of sexy older women out there.. look at Joan Collins, Mae West, Raquel Welch.


I am not offended, like I said, one of my best friends is 26 and dating a 43 year old - power to them, I think they are great together.


I just think that it is no different then coming on here and bragging about knocking boots with someone younger, why really? Fact is, you will find people fantastic in bed at many ages...yes there is a confidence that comes with age, but there are also many women who don't get that confidence with age - it seems silly to generalize. Also if someone takes you back to a motel room to do it...it does not seem totally "right" as in...husband at home maybe? THAT is what bothered me about it. And why I said he might want to get tested...


Trust me, I KNOW I'll be sexually active and have a fantastic sex life when I am in my 40s, 50s, 60s..and I take very good care of my body so I am definitely not worried about being sexually attractive...but I don't think I need to be trolling for 19 year olds to get my kicks...been there, done that! Somehow, I don't think 19-20 year olds in general will have changed that much by the time I hit my 40s. If I am that "knowledgeable" at that age (and at the rate I am going), there is no way 19 would be my age to pick up. Even at 26, 19 year olds are not really my thing... of course I am also biased, and tend to not really be into picking people up from anywhere and taking them to motel rooms anyway. At 40 something I hope to be having wild rampant sex with my hubby....and not in a motel room. Thats what Viagra is for!

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I just think that it is no different then coming on here and bragging about knocking boots with someone younger, why really?

Bragging? I think he's just saying that sex with an older person can be great. I don't know, I wouldn't consider having sex with a woman who was 47 y/o, with me being 19, was something to "brag" about.

it seems silly to generalize.

What, that older people tend to be more comfortable (especially women) with sex and have more experience? I find that to be pretty much common knowledge. Of course this doesn't apply to ALL older people, but why state the obvious?

Also if someone takes you back to a motel room to do it...it does not seem totally "right" as in...husband at home maybe? THAT is what bothered me about it. And why I said he might want to get tested...

Where is a "right" place to have sex? I just think it's silly to read more into this then necessary. Who cares where they had sex, it could have been on a bus for all I care. As far as the risk for STDs goes, everybody should go get tested after they've had sex with someone for the first time, regardless if you did it in a motel room or your backyard.

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look the guy met the girl online, they both knew what the deal was, they both enjoyed themselfs and thats great, nothing wrong with it at all, two concenting adults having fun and giving each other pleasure.


Seems to me he was pleasently surprised that an older woman could be so hot in bed.


Not all women are the same, some carry lots of emotional baggage and have many hang ups about sex, but in general Id much rather be with a 38 year old woman than a 18 year old girl.

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Look, all I did was state "not all older women will be amazing" and "he should get tested" and "it does seem strange that she took him to a hotel room". Not because the hotel room is wrong, but because it would seem that she may be hiding something like her HUSBAND at home or perhaps because he is not the first to accompany her there...and that he should get tested, which I would tell anyone whom had done this with whomever of whatever age. Perhaps I just read into things more, but that's what I do and I am not going to change that to give him high fives and cheers...


And that PERSONALLY it would not do it for me...if it does for him...fantastic. But I don't think he can expect that if everyone is to find an older women, they will all have such a "great experience". I am allowed to have my own opinion on the matter, just as you are allowed to have yours.


One's sexual confidence does not just come with age, I know plenty of older women and men who have more sexual hangups then someone younger. Yes, I am sure there are older women who are great in bed, but there are also younger ones whom are great in bed..one does not preclude the other which was what I stated from the beginning.

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Hiya Ray, i wasnt being critical of your opinion at all, if anything I am agreeing with you on the topic of everyone is different.


as for being careful, that goes for ANY sexual pickup you make anywhere, no matter the age, or method you found each other (internet, personal ad, bar, club etc). unless its a long term monogamous relationship and you both have been checked out, you must use protection.

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"it does seem strange that she took him to a hotel room". Not because the hotel room is wrong, but because it would seem that she may be hiding something like her HUSBAND at home or perhaps because he is not the first to accompany her there

She could also be a serial killer and any number of infinite possibilities....Would your opinion be different if they met at a bar and went to a hotel afterwards?

Perhaps I just read into things more, but that's what I do and I am not going to change that to give him high fives and cheers...

I think your response was based on the fact that you felt he was bragging, which is fine, if that's the way you see it.

And that PERSONALLY it would not do it for me...if it does for him...fantastic. But I don't think he can expect that if everyone is to find an older women, they will all have such a "great experience". I am allowed to have my own opinion on the matter, just as you are allowed to have yours.

You are also not a guy, his post was a message to guys. I have personally experienced sex with older women and I'm just agreeing with him in general. You insist on saying it doesn't apply to ALL older people and I don't think anyone believes it DOES apply to every single older person. I never said you weren't entitled to your opinion, I just have a differing one.


I saw the post and it made me smile because I know what he's referring to, that's all. I figured he'd get responses like these but I was still kind of like "what's the big deal." He had sex with this older woman and he had a good time, why the need to spoil it with all the analysis. I have to remember that this isn't a men's forum so I guess this should be expected.


Yes, I am sure there are older women who are great in bed, but there are also younger ones whom are great in bed..one does not preclude the other which was what I stated from the beginning.

I happen to have experienced otherwise, but that's just me. Wait till you hit your 30s, you'll probably change your mind.

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Hiya Ray, i wasnt being critical of your opinion at all, if anything I am agreeing with you on the topic of everyone is different.


as for being careful, that goes for ANY sexual pickup you make anywhere, no matter the age, or method you found each other (internet, personal ad, bar, club etc). unless its a long term monogamous relationship and you both have been checked out, you must use protection.


Oh I agree.


Look, I met my partner online, so I have nothing against online persay - and I know plenty of stories of people who have caught some bad things from people they knew most of their lives...



And Shidoshi, well, I do believe that "magic" age is coming down too to a degree, which is why I am not 100% on it. The magic ages used to be 30...most due to societal pressures, and a "taboo" against women expressing their sexuality...so their peak was later in life. Personally as someone who has already hit mutliples many times, and is very into exploring my sexuality and intimacy with my partner as is, I fear if I get too much more into it as I age, I won't want to work, or leave the house much for that matter


I just find it odd that we "cheer" younger men on with MUCH older woman, but if a very young woman came on and "bragged" about her MUCH older man....would it be viewed in the same light? I bet HE would be the one that got the cheers...not her.


If he had met her at a bar, or at the playground, my opinion would be the same. Like I said, I have NOTHING against online dating. I have done it several times, and met my live in boyfriend through online dating.

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I just find it odd that we "cheer" younger men on with MUCH older woman, but if a very young woman came on and "bragged" about her MUCH older man....would it be viewed in the same light? I bet HE would be the one that got the cheers...not her.


Mainly cause people don't think men are as likely to be abused/used by women, but people think that women can be easily abused/used by men.


I don't think RayKay was sounding condescending or anything before, although I can see how it could be taken that way.

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The magic ages used to be 30...most due to societal pressures, and a "taboo" against women expressing their sexuality...so their peak was later in life.

That's really all I'm getting at, they seem to be more comfortable with it. Oh but don't get me wrong, I know there are young women who are just as comfortable and enthusiastic, such as yourself. If a young woman posted the same thing about an older guy I don't think she would be bashed for it. There are definite double standards when we talk about sex between men and women, but I think there's way more to it than men simply behaving like pigs as some women would say, but that's a whole other topic in itself...


It may sound like bragging, but there is "some" truth to it. Hell, I'm surprised you didn't flame me to death for speaking my mind as most other women seem to do on these forums (though I'm not necessarily shocked when they do).

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That's really all I'm getting at, they seem to be more comfortable with it. Oh but don't get me wrong, I know there are young women who are just as comfortable and enthusiastic, such as yourself. If a young woman posted the same thing about an older guy I don't think she would be bashed for it. There are definite double standards when we talk about sex between men and women, but I think there's way more to it than men simply behaving like pigs as some women would say, but that's a whole other topic in itself...


It may sound like bragging, but there is "some" truth to it. Hell, I'm surprised you didn't flame me to death for speaking my mind as most other women seem to do on these forums (though I'm not necessarily shocked when they do).


I do agree that in general older woman do tend to be more comfortable. Not only do they learn to accept their own bodies more, and become more comfortable with themselves, they also have by then learnt more of what makes them tick. I think the "baby clock" might sometimes also have something to do with it, even it if it "subconscious" in raising that libido and urge. Also, just experience. At 18, 19, 20 most women are still "new" to sex in most respects and have in general had very few partners, sometimes there reasons for starting are not really even "for them" but as they get older, perhaps they become more comfortable that they are sexual, and allowed to express themselves sexually, and also find more accepting partners as well.


While the "magic peak" might be coming down, it is still higher than the "peak" for men. I guess my thing is I don't like those "peaks"...18 for men, 30+ for women, because for one, I think they are ignoring the real issues and they are not comparable to one another. Men may "peak" at 18....but even they don't develop their sexual maturity until they are older....or their skills or intimacy. But that's probably venturing into another topic!


Naw, I would agree there is some truth to it. And I read your posts often in some of the other threads about attraction/dating/communicating, and I will say I usually honestly agree with a lot of what you say, even being a woman

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shidoshi, I've heard alot of guys say that older women make better lovers.

I'm not really surprised.. by the time you reach your late 30s or 40s.. you have a lot of sexual tricks up your sleeve, so to speak.

Besides.. i would think the sex drive of a guy 19 and a woman in her mid 40s would be very compatible.. they are both around their sexual peaks.

What is so funny about this topic is the still social taboo that seems to surround it.....

What the big deal. I agree with giglamesh.... He's an adult.. she's an adult they both had a good time.. Good one for them.. where is the harm?

It is funny that it seems to bug some of the younger women to hear this though.. because although they are younger and maybe prettier.. the older woman can still float a guy's boat... i think they feel a bit threatened by this.

Some of you all want to say it's only "certain" older woman who would be capable of this.. or that if you get involved with one.. she's full of baggage and is a headtrip..

Whatever.. I have met alot of guys in their 30s who were a headtrip... I would think that a guy who's only 19 is yet to have his head all screwed up by the world.

Anyway.. i just think it's rather annoying.. so many other social taboos have been crushed by society.. Heck.. they are letting people of the same sex get married.. However if a younger guy wants to be with a older woman.. it's no big thing..

And this is 2005?

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Its important that when you read this post, that you think reasonably, its obvious that he had a great experience with this older woman, and based on this experience he is suggesting that other men give it a shot if they get the chance. Sleeping with a new person you are taking a chance that they might suck in bed, its just a luck of the draw if they match up with what you like in bed.


I have an experiences with older women and they seem to have expertise that younger girls dont seem to have, now thats just my experience and im sure there are older woman on the other end.

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