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after about a year and a half my gf broke up with me

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after about a year and a half my gf broke up with me, she was possibly the most perfect person in the world for me, and i just dont know what happened, yesterday she called me and we talk as ussual and i told her i couldnt wait to see her again this weekend, and then she said... dont you think that we should should be friends for now? i mean i just want to rethink some stuff, and i asked her what she meant and she said she didnt know, and she said that she needed some time and maybe we could get back together in the future.. my heart totally sank and i want her back soo badly, she was everything to me, she was perfect except for one time when she cheated on me... but we talked about that and moved on.... i just dont know what to do, anyone know how i can get her back? i might see a movie with her this weekend, but as "friends" thank you

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I'd say she wants a more committed relationship. I don't know how old the two of you are, but if after one and a half years a relationship isn't committed, alot of woman will move on, or say they just want to be friends. She doesn't want to be friends she wants to be Mrs. Friendly.


If you take Heretic's advice you may never see her again, alot of woman will not go after the man, no matter how wonderful he may be. If you go out to the movies as just friends you can be sure it will be to see if you've come to your senses, and realize that you can't live without her.



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I would lean towards Heretic's advice. She may not come back, but the best thing you can do is give her space and time. She may realize she really does want to be with you, but then again she may realize she is better off without you. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do to get her back. Pleading for a second chance will just push her farther away (trust me...I know). You can try to be friends with her, but this is often difficult coming off of a serious relationship. It can work though. You cannot keep constant contact with her though. You need to experience life too. Don't sit around waiting for her to come back to you. You have to go out and have fun bud. I know this girl seems like the best person in the world for you, but there ARE other girls out there for you. You just have to find them. Right now (opposed to another's advice), you need to realize you can live without this girl. For now, give her space and experience all life has to offer. Good luck man...Keep me posted on how your doing and I will always be willing to talk to you.

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well i sent her an email and this is what it said,


this is gonna be my last email begging you to go out with me again, whatever you say is your choice and im gonna have to live with it, i just want you to be happy. i just wanna tell you i love you alot and i hope you can forgive me for what ive done to make you sad since weve been going out. this past year and a half or so have been the best days of my life and i know, deep down inside of us if we really work hard enough we can get our relationship back on track, and if we can do that we will both be truly happy, i think that if you really left me we would both be miserable, or maybe i would, i dont know, but i know that i will never ever find another beautiful wonderful, perfect girl like you, ever. when i look at you it just makes me smile i just love you, and i hope we can work things out. whatever your choice is i hope its what makes you truly happy.


-Forever your baby, xxxx


i hope it helps, last night she called me and we talked for a while and she told me she would rethink some stuff, so i guess thats a good sign, thx for your help guys ill post and update tomorrow and see if this email helped.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi blackomenx2


Hi, I didn't think the e-mail would work. Status Quo wasn't working, that is why she was breaking up in the first place. You didn't do anything except tell her things she already knows. She knows you think she's great, and you've had a wonderful time.


She wants to know if she has a future, or if she is wasting her time. You don't say how old you are, but a year and half is a long time to spend on a guy if they are not on the same page.


She wants you to be her friend because she loves you! If you're her friend you'll know if anyone new arrives, and maybe then she'll get a charge out of you. Maybe you should be her friend, it could back fire on her, maybe someone new will arrive on your door.


While I agree their are a lot of others out there (as Sweet Euphoria suggests), the one you want is the one you want. She sounds like an old fashioned girl, and she will never come running after you (no matter how many people advise you that). That is like putting you life on the line, and letting the dice call the shots. Love isn't a crap shoot, and not everyone is lucky enough to find it twice. Their have been plenty of people who have taken an interest in me, but few who I've had reciprocal feelings for. So. as for the other fish in the sea....it sounds rather cliche.


It has been over a week, call her (no e-mail) and ask her if anything is new. Listen to the tone and timbre of her voice, and gage her level of interest. If she seems enthusiastic about hearing from you, then ask her out (as friends) to go dancing. When you get to the club see if she wants to be with you, or go scamming for guys. If you were to peak some honey's interest your ex might suddenly realize she doesn't want to be friends, but more.


Sometimes we do not know what we want until they sparkle someone else's eyes.





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