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Masturbation: Why do women.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a female and I'll admit that I recently started. I've only done it a few times, but I enjoy it. One thing that may have to do with it is pride. Some more egotistical females may believe that if they masturbate, they are admiting that they cannot get laid enough to satisfy themselves. I'm a virgin, and I used to believe this until I realized that it is normal, and many if not most guys do it too without this shame, so why should girls be ashamed? Females also experience sexual fantasies, such as "wet dreams"


So basically, females shouldn't be scared to admit it, really. We are just like guys as far as needing/wanting to be sexually pleased, and I'm not sure why some of us are afraid to admit it. I suppose everyone has their own reasons.


Also another one that just came to mind, is that some guys will taunt a girl that they know to masturbate, even though the guy himself may do it.

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