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how do i talk with out soundin like a loser

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how do you talk to a girl with out soundin like a loser. if i think about it then it all briante in my head but when i say it its sounds lame


what shoud i talk about?


what do girls do if there really interested


how do i know if im bein played


i really need help cause school is startin and im a loser, seminerd(nerd in a group with nerdy interests)



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Well, those are vague questions. Take care of your hygine, and dress well. Your appearance is, unfortunately, the single most important thing in attracting girls in high school. Once you've got a girl interested/talk to a girl, don't be annoying and clingy and talk to her all the time. Be aloof,stay calm and be natural.

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actually, to me it makes sense that you're attracted to those types of girls. Im no psychologist but it may be that you seek a girl whose outgoing nature will balance out your shyness. Talk about common things like classwork or things going on in school. Dress well but not preppy. and hygeine is not just a plus, it is a must no matter what age you are



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actually, to me it makes sense that you're attracted to those types of girls. Im no psychologist but it may be that you seek a girl whose outgoing nature will balance out your shyness. Talk about common things like classwork or things going on in school. Dress well but not preppy. and hygeine is not just a plus, it is a must no matter what age you are




You are exactly right! I am way shy, and the girl I am trying to date is the exact oppisite of me. She is very self-confident and very out-going. Those are two traits I lack the most. So naturally I am very attracted to the things I don't have.


/2 cents



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Just be yourself and don't sound too needy and most of all do not drill the girl with questions. In addition, your posture and voice tone should be one that's commanding, show her that hey I find you interesting but then again aren't all women. Be confident and comfortable with her, when ur comfortable, she's comfortable.

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Well, those are vague questions. Take care of your hygine, and dress well. Your appearance is, unfortunately, the single most important thing in attracting girls in high school.



Obviously your apperance is the first thing a person see and the first impression is a lasting impression, so you want to look best all ways. If you notice the guys that allways get the girl are dressed like they are ready to go out.


So, the first impression is a good one, that you are available and ready to go and meet people!


The thing that snags a woman no matter what your looks are is humor. Try practicing watching people and what they are doing. Make up a joke and then honestly ask yourself if you thought that was funny. Doing this enough times you will find that you start pleasing yourself more than not.


Now that your a great humorist, go up to women and start your joke that you feel would be apropreate for what she is doing. The whole thing is that you are practicing making them laugh, not trying to pick them up or get a date. After she laughs simply simle at her and walk away.


You did two things that a rookie would and a pro would do. The pro just set the scene of intrigue. Your not being needy and you make her feel good by laughing.


The Rookie just did the same thing but, he is still at the process of building his own self-esteem!

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