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okay, messed up situation

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i really really like this girl. well, last night meand her got drunk... andshe kissed me, afterward saying "i dont know why i did that" then we started frenching for a while.. we started talking about it today and i asked her "was the only reason why we kissed beuase we were drunk?" and she said "maybe, i dunno"... anyway, i told her to call me tonight cuz i wanna talk about it.... what should i say, how should i get on the topic, and how can i make it so were both comfortable with talking about it and not all awkward... helllp

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well, alcohol can make people do things they ordinarily wouldn't because it lowers inhibitions. This could mean that she liked you but felt really shy about it and the alcohol allowed her to feel more at ease kissing you or it could mean that it was more the alcohol that made her kiss you than her feelings. I don't know man, tread softly..

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