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Everything posted by thechumbawumba

  1. this girl tho. she cares for me,when i cried, she cried. shes theone i want to hold and let my emotcions out with.. but i dont know if shes the first or last person i want to see right now.. i know this is the right girl for me.. from the second i met her i knew there was something special about her, and there is.
  2. horribly depressed.. slept 10 hours this week.. havent eaten in 3 days.. kissed the girl i love, but it meant nothing to her, and my father died a few days ago and last time we talked, we were in a fight.. how can i deal with all of these problems.... somebody please help
  3. i really really like this girl. well, last night meand her got drunk... andshe kissed me, afterward saying "i dont know why i did that" then we started frenching for a while.. we started talking about it today and i asked her "was the only reason why we kissed beuase we were drunk?" and she said "maybe, i dunno"... anyway, i told her to call me tonight cuz i wanna talk about it.... what should i say, how should i get on the topic, and how can i make it so were both comfortable with talking about it and not all awkward... helllp
  4. haha, well, i think im in love withthis girl, and now multiple people have told me thatshe has a crush on me... now heres the problem, i dont want to come on to strong, cuz thast would probably make the relationship too akward... so what shall i do?
  5. i hate it i hate it i hate it... i love this girl and i cant help it, i want to be with her and not a day goes by where i dont think about her... i feel that i NEED her... me and her are very tight very good friends and i know she doesnt have feelings for me... AT ALL... shes single, but if i tell her how i feel (or even lie and say "i like you a little bit") i think that'll ruin our relationship and there would be that akwardness between us... and i have no idea what to do 1.) tell her and jeprodize our relationship 2.) just keep it to myself 3.) try to get her off my mind and stop thinking about her by doing other stufff 4.) something else.... cmon, i need help... cuz right now, im so confused and dont know what too doooooooo
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