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School is starting soon, how can i meet or take to new girls

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IM a junior in high school, so i have my eyes on freshman girls. MY question/s are the following.


How do i start talking to a girl out of no were?


Should i become friends first and then after a long period of time ask her out.


Should i listen to some websites that i look up on their advice?


Should i stop worring about that and just be my self?


Any advice would be helpfull. thanks



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I'm in a similar situation. In fact, an identical one. I have pretty good luck with girls, and I find that you should be yourself for the most part, but if you see a girl you like (And I'm saying this because it works for me), even if you feel stupid or embarased, give her a hint that you think she's cute. I find that the ol' -wink- does this incredibly well. From that point, you can keep flirting and whatnot, then start to talk to her. I ussually can get this done in one week. Good luck man. Just have fun. Oh, last piece of advice. Don't use the word "hot" in a compliment. Ever. Use something more complex then that. Say "gorgeous", "beautiful" or something to that effect. If you say that, she'll remember you at the end of the day, rather then the dime-a-dozen idiot that says "Haha, your hawt!"

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Ok first of all im going to b a freshman.... and im a girl. so from my point of veiw... don't. Because we are new coming to the school and we dont even know some of the people around us. so if u want a girl maybe you should jus be your self. because if you act something out and eventually get the girl, she will find out it was all fake. so just be your self and see what happeneds..=)

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I'd just start talking with them. I would stay away from hinting that they're cute etc. because you'll come off like really needy person.. which obviously is turn-off.


Be yourself, just talk to them, you can start with school if that's all you got, but try to talk about something else too. And listen to what they say.


Don't go striding up to every girl in high school and starting conversations 'cause that's just plain weird, but for example if a girl is alone in corridor waiting for lesson, natural choice is to talk to her, right? Just comment something what's around.. really casual opening, works really well. Never ever use pick up lines lol. Stay cool and confident. That's the key, you can screw other things up if you just stay confident. If you want to be dating material, you gotta show girls that you have balls, like teasing them and basically being in control.. try to do that.


By doing that you should come off like a good gay who's dating material, doesn't matter if you don't look like Brad Pitt..

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I'm in the same situation as you. I'm 5 days into high school (a freshman) and it's hard where to start when you're going up to a girl out of nowhere. My goal is to get a girl by September because I'm feeling really lonely with nobody else by my side that's not a friend.


Thanks for posting this and thanks for the people who replied.

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Not worrying about is the first thing you need to do. Because if you do worry about it, even just alittle bit while saying you arent really worrying about it, it will show through. Don't set finite goals like planning on having a gf by such and such a date. Be prepared for the possibility that it might not happen for you this year, or next year, or not until college. Becuase, it sometimes works out that way and the harder you try, the harder it is.


Confidence in yourself is key. Never chat girls up with the intent of eventually being in a relationship. Be sure you keep it strictly "getting to know you better" Talk about things you have in common, talk to girls who are in your classes...about stuff that happened in class or if they plan on continuing with the subject material later in their educational careers. Ask to work on projects together.


It is not easy. At least for many of us. and when you really think about it, would it be satisfying if it just happened and fell in your lap. I wouldn't know because I'm 19 and still single and havent kissed a girl or been on date but I KNOW that when it finally happens for me and I meet that special girl, I will be glad it didnt just magically happen (although it might happen like that LOL) Take care, be yourself and be cool (not in the high school stereotype of cool, but you know, cool.....)





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