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fast or slow motion?

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hi. i heard something a long time ago that if a guy has sex with a girl in slow motion, that means they care about the girl and the sex. also, if a guy has sex with a girl in fast motion, that means they don't care about the girl but the sex. does anybody understand what i'm talking about? is this really true?

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hey well i dont think thats true. i mean im a virgin here but still i know what you're talking about. its like ive heard "sex means he wants you, a kiss means i love you". these have LILLL rings of truth but not really. in this case having sex slowly or quickly well i think its about hte mood. you know you might be in a really romantic mood (well him) or maybe its the first time or something like that so then the motion will be slow because you're both scared or its a special night or you're just in the mood to go slow. think about it: married couples probably are not having only fast or slow motion everytime they have sex. you NEED both after a while! i say dont look at the sex to see if he cares, or if you do see if he takes the time to pleasure you or make sure you enjoy something. kiss you alot....but really looking at if he cares should be done during a situation not so....hot??

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That's not true at all!


Of course, slow sex is very much a more loving, caring approach... It gives both parties time to admire their partner, and to properly feel the act of love that is sex.


Fast sex still comes out of love, though... It's just sometimes people like it 'rough and dirty'... Or even through physical time constraints!!


Either way, sex is born out of love, and care. (In a relationship anyway)



P.S. 100th Post!!


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the way i see it there are 3 ways to have sex...


1. F*****g = this is dirty, raw, untamed stuff. it's what one-night-stands are usually made of. normally no strings attatched.


2. Having sex = this is kinda average. it's like you're going out to satisfy only yourself. like a friends with benifits thing, no strings attatched.


3. Making love = the total surrender of your soul to the person you love. it doesn't matter how dirty or raw or self gratifying it is... it's with the person you love, so it's making love.


so really, going fast or slow doesn't really matter... if it happens it happens and usually it's about the mood. but like i said, there's really only 3 ways to have sex. keep these in mind and you'll never go wrong.



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The first time with a person is always rushed because the lust usually takes over. After that then you can take your time and get to know each others bodies better. More touching, sensual, caring, loving, wanting to please the other person.


Take care and good luck.

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It isn't speed, it the emotions behind it.


Taking your time, kisses, touching, sensual.... that does show you really care about her. It's wanting to please her, wanting her to know that you love her and will do anything to make her happy. And from my view, it would be infintely better for me as well. Why rush something when you can take you time, enjoy each sensation, make the pleasure linger.....

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Slow or fast... BEG TO DIFFER SAPPHO.... There are 2 ways....


Ok.. quickies can be quite quite gratifying.. doesn't mean you don't care about each other.. means that you are soooo flippin hot for it that... you can't wait to tear each others clothes off. There's a time and place for it.

Its lusty.. its an explosion of PENT up energy... and WOW combustable.. if two people have been toying each other with build up... lots of build up...

LOL. Even a friend with benefits.. I care for... I wouldn't be there if I didn't care.


Slow and easy..... 8) Savoring the moment.. taking your time... the build up.... giving someone else pleasure unhurried... slowly... sensually... or recieving... sloooow and easy... YEP.. definitely a time and place for this one. And yes... I'd call it making love, raising the energy... creating Magic. And this one you do definitely care more for... because the greatest gift is giving someone your time.... and yourself. Your entire attention.... with every nerve and fiber of your being.

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haha, never actually seen the movie. heard a lot about it though.


no, i don't stop completely then resume, i just slow down quite quickly. it does make it last longer and it's kind of making the sex more than just about both people having orgasms. i mean each time i start slow again, there's a bit of a position change.

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there are many things that go into ...


Yes, I would agree that quickies have there time and place, i mean the spontainiousness of a quicky is such that you are so geared up on each other through the touches, looks, smiles, whatever it is that trips your trigger. Personally this Lady I know and she is quite the Lady, All she has to do is just look at me with this demuring look she has accented with her perfume and Engines are all ready to go.


But then making love is differant, this is a time to slowly discover your lovers body, slow touching, caressing, long lingering kisses, lightly brushing your fingetips up and down the spine, along the arms, kisses behind the ears, knees. exploring the body through taste and touch.the total rendering of the bodies and souls one to another, taking the two of you to a place where only you reside, in the moment, passions are unchained and the soft sensual aspects of the encounter, buiding up to the moment of release...of course candles and rose petals, things like that can help take things to another level, I think that when two people make love it is total and unrestricted emotion and feeling, love for one another....

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Fallen... WOW...WOW WOW WOW....!!!


I'm with you there... I think that people forget that making love involves all 5 of the senses. Slow and Easy is the ticket here.


Sight... looking at a lovers body in the glow of candle light... the hills, the curves, the valleys, the muscle and sinew, looking into their eyes ( the mirror of the soul)...


Touch... feeling those muscles under your fingers.. using light pressure and heavy pressure to make them quiver, to see a response, to see the muscles flex... exploring those hils..curves, valleys and sinew. Running your hands... up and down their spine and feeling every vertibrate and the perfection of the spine and gods creation. Touching thier belly and the contours of ther body... feeling thier hip bones... and feeling a quiver... squeezing their muscles.. the glutus maximus and bringing it to you.. closer.


Smell.... the arrousing smell of thier essense... burying your nose near their ear and breathing them in... breathing their soul into you....


Hearing... hearing their breath in your ear.. hearing a moan escape when you run a hand up their thigh... or on their chest.. hearing them gasp... as you run your tongue and nibble... on the thinnest part of the human body.. along the coradid artery along the neck.


Taste... the wonderful wonderful taste. As the bodies heat up...and the phermones make thier way to the skin surface releasing their own fragrance.. the essense of thier being...and you taste them on your tongue...a slight salty sweet taste..a taste unigue only to your lover...and one that makes your senses... reel with antciapation... of want.. need... yearning.... to blend and mingle the souls.. Fusion. Making an energy called love.


YEP... I'd say ... Slow and EASY is the preferred method. LOL.


And the... if you add in all the other cha-ki's... light lighting in the room.. candles.. soft music... satin sheets.... incence... champaigne and strawberries... rose petals.. YES I'd say.. this RODEO was about to kick off wouldn't you...


OKKKK excuse me... I've gotta go run and have a quickie.. just writing that has got me all hot and bothered!!!!!


Am going to order.. PINE APPLE JUICE BY THE CASE...

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK.. have to add an addendum to this one.. it is very very very important to know when to Shift gears...and how to shift gears. Reving the engine from 1st and throwing it into 5th... can leave skid (friction) marks in the road. LOL. While that is ok sometimes... hmmmm it makes for wear and tear on the engine. Sooooo reading the owners operator manual before you.... take off on a ride.. can ummm be beneficial to all on board.


I've just learned there's a big difference when you say.. "luv me" and "F Me".... lol. The later sends all systems go, rough and ready and on the loose right away... and if your not ready for it.. and you have a high performance engine... unnmmm the Tork will set u on your butt. LOL.


Learn something new every day!!!

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That is something that i have never heard before, the analogy between, knockin boots and car engine performance...hmmm, and a five speed at that....All i can say is if your going from 1st to 5th in a hurry, then yes, something is differnatley going to get torqed. LOL


And yes it is my opinion that there is a diff, between love me and F%^* me, where as one is slow and easy and sensual, then the other is fast, and a little rougher, and more intense in a certain manner. And there is a time and place for each if thats what your into....


Personally, my lady friend and i, well its mostly slow and easy, so when she said, you know...I was yea haw, this rodeo is about to kick off. Because we some how got on the topic of communcation during are times of intimacy, so when she said that, I was OK, we are good to go and squared away..but its not anything that i would expect her to say all the time, because i love being with her in either manner.


OK, i will stop now, cause now i am really thinking about her and hitting replay in my head....She is SO OFS........( Out F***ing Standing)...

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Fallen... well thanks for the tip. And yes.. I do love analogies to explain things. Paints the picture. And everyone can relate to cars and engines.


Your lady love is one lucky lady to have someone as thoughtful and attentive as you are. Its rare to find someone you can be in tune with in and out of bed.


So... it's OFS.. and Rodeo's eh??? well then... I can relate to that analogy as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Well i can tell you that yes it is a wonderful thing to be so in tune with her, in and out of the realm of sex. But to me it is so much more and to share with My angel the dance of intimacy is OMFS.......and well it a inside joke between me and her, and i think to that there are other little things to, like when she says to me "Tell ME" that gets me to grinning that a fool, but at the same time its nice to hear her want me to tell her that I LOVE YOU....


be well Light

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