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Strange Tactics

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Hi Forum.


I am curious to know what are some strange "tactics" you have done to get back with an ex? I am asking because I know someone who resorted

to having a "spell" cast on her ex lol. Some people believe in "signs". Like they notice all these things happening that somehow tie in with the ex.

Some people use Astrology, or psychics. Has anyone felt so desperate they resorted to this type of behavior? What was the outcome?

I thought this would be a fun subject, rather than so serious.


To be fair...For me, I have done some pretty dumb things more than anything. I have resorted to "stalking"..calling, hanging up. Driving by...I always thought if I improved my appearance somehow they would fall all over me lol. Nope ..didn;t happen. Then I found this forum...t seems like the most sane thing I've tried so far. LOL

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I was obsessed with psychics and tarot readings when everything first happened between me and my ex. They all said that he still loved me but that right now, he's all about himself. Which is true, he is in the middle of buying the house WE were supposed to move in to together and he is planning on going back to school. Two even said that we were soulmates and that we were supposed to be together. They wanted to do a spell to keep us together, but I felt that if we were truly meant to be together, he would come back to me at his own time. I do believe that saying... if you love someone, let them go, if they come back it was meant to be. ... Basically, I wouldn't want the ex back if it had to be forced.

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Never used any strange tactics. But I will say that I have tried and advocate here a lot about getting away from the "ideal" and living in reality.


A woman I know told me that you should make amove by going up to a woman and saying something flattering. Normally, I don't think that's a good idea. You may think differently, but look at how people really react to things. Do what works.

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I'm not very keen on the spell idea as there are always prices to pay when you go that way. So, I suppose the best would be to go the normal way, with pure human skill.


Perhaps, calling up the ex and talking. Or if you don't fancy the straightforward way, you can try bumping into him in one of the places he usually stop by and flash him a lovely smile.


If it happens to be a very crowded cafe, you might be able to share his table too.

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