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Does she love me anymore

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Right this is my situation, i have been going out with a girl for 4 months, and really love her, she has told me loads how much she loves me and what she loves about me, i spent a lot of time with her and we got on really well, now my problem is that about 3 weeks ago we had a row and she said i was being possesive over her friends and i said i am sorry i didnt realise and i wont be again, so she forgave me and for the next week and a half we were fine, then she had a go at me when she came home from work so i had a go back and we argued a bit but sorted it out that night and were loving again, then on the day after we argued about her work when she told me she was tired and needed sleep she agreed to go back to work, but we sorted that out, then we were fine on friday, sat and sun and she was all over me, when it got to monday i popped around to pick up a tshirt i needed and she was with her friend and i thought alright i will go now. I was tired and and not in the best mood so i went, when we were at the door she kissed me and told me she loved me and i said i know your having a drink but try to get some sleep so that we can go out somewhere tomorrow and then i said right saying as im not welcome i will be away, i meant that sarcastically but she took it the wrong way. She kissed me again and said she would ring me later on, she never rang and i thought ok no probs speak to her tomorrow, so i rang her the day after and she said i dont think this is going anywhere and i cant see a future between us, well i wasnt expecting that and said im sorry i was tired last night and she was having none of it, then she dropped my stuff off, i tried ringing her for the last week but she is just being a cow with me, not having much time to talk to me, on saturday she phoned me and we spoke for a while and she said "i cant make any promises". She is talking about moving back to wales where she is from and i am just so desperate to keep her, because it feels so right, why is she treating me like this, does she love me, or is she just trying to be brave. i phoned her yesterday and spoke to her but she said she would ring me back and never rang, i tried phoning but she just didnt answer, i know there is no one else involved and she is in wales this week (i was supposed to go with her) before this happened, i love her so much and just dont want to lose her, but what can i do

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Hello Engdave


I believe that her plans and wanting to go back to wales has something to do with breaking up with you, she unconsciously is trying to make it easier on herself.


but two suggestions,


1) never use sarcasm, it gives the other party an excuse to take things wrong when they want to.


2) Dont pressure her, or make her feel guilty about what she is doing, try and separate on a good note. wish her well, be her friend, you never know what the future might bring.

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yeah im starting to realise there is more fish in the sea, i thought she was special, and we were meant to be but if that was so then surely she would be back with me, its just how easy she seemed to find breakin up with me that made me feel betrayed, i love her, but i have to let it go and will start enjoying my life, at least i have been there and tried it rather than not at all, although i will miss her maybe its for the best.


i have thought what i did wrong but if she really loved me and trusted me she would realise i was trying to change and make up for the mistakes i made


life goes on, cant drown in my own self pity all my life

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well i have spoken to her now and we have unfortunately agreed to just be friends, not what i want but better than nothing, i asked her if she still loved me and she said no, 2 weeks after we break up and she doesnt love me anymore, she said i was possesive and i said i was changing and she said that there was no guarentee i wud and she wont take a chance, any ideas people

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