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In long lesbian relationship but want threesome w/friend

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My girlfriend and I have been together for over 3 years, but I've been bored with our sex life for a while. I've tried initiating different, kinky things, but my girlfriend always makes me feel like a pervert or something. She thinks it's cute when I want to do "freaky" things but she doesn't seem particularly interested in actually trying them. It appears that in her high school and college years she was wild and crazy, slept with a bunch of different girls (and some guys), and had all kinds of experiences, sexually; so now, she's feeling very tamed and satisfied with those types of activities.


I, on the other hand, was a late bloomer in every way; I grew up in a strict household and was so brainwashed that even by the time I went off to college, far enough from home to let loose, I didn't go buck wild like I probably could have. Now I'm thinking that maybe I regret that. There are so many things I'd like to try, WITH my girlfriend. She's my partner, not just a sex buddy, and I love her. At the same time, I wish we could be more sexually adventurous; I feel like we have the commitment and stability to back that up.


My biggest fantasy is having a threesome with a good friend of ours who I find very attractive and quite available for that activity. But my girlfriend is COMPLETELY against threesomes. I can't get the thought out of my head these days, though, for some reason. We've talked about it tons of times. I've even come to the point of thinking that if I could just go about things the right way, maybe I could convince my girlfriend to try it, but she's a very jealous type and maintains that she doesn't like multi-tasking in bed. Is there anything I can do to convince her, or should I just forget this fantasy once and for all?

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I'd say for forget it. I also had the experience of someone trying to get me to do things sexually that weren't appealing for me. It seriously puts a strain on the relationship. Sounds as if you want to disregard what she's saying she also wants, like you are insensitive to her needs. In order for her to participate in what you want to do, you need her agreement and she's clearly not giving it. That means this is not an option for you. If you already talked about this a lot, your continuing to push it just gets very annoying.

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I agree with the other posters about the threesome, but you say you want to do more adventurous things in bed. Why not just sit her down at some point when it is comfortable for the both of you and ask her what she would be willing to do?


Have you told her that you didn't really get the chance to be wild?


I know how she's feeling as I would get very jealous to see another woman pleasuring my girlfriend but then again, I also know how you feel as you want to experience new things but she doesn't want to comply. This is a wish you will have to respect, but she never said that she would try more things in bed did she?



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Hello dreamadonna1,


I totally understand where you are coming from. A threesome....what do I say, well like yourself it was my fantacy also but I actually went through with it. It was awesome until feelings started to kick in. I think you should play it safe and just respect your partner wishes. What always seems good isn't always good.


Good Luck!

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