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Why I suck?

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Hi to all

I suck there is always bad luck near me, why u ask well it's always this same. I meet a nice sweet girl and … . It 's always this same we become friends and that's it nothing more even I'm thinking about something more. I want ask her out but we start talking and the atmosphere is so nice that I can't do it because I don't want to ruin it. I know that I should start convo from asking her but for me it is very rude to ask her this way and the story continues every time I meet her.


Is there a way to overcome my bad luck, ask her in a right way (for me and for her)?

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its not bad luck or anything.. when u find the right girl for u, things will work believe me..


ok, but u have to do something also.. not just wait.. when u like a girl.. its difficult to ruin the nice things u share.. but u have to have some courage..

u need to take it step by step.. first try to make indirect hints. u can know whether a girl is interested or not.. iam not saying like u or not.. but interested.. just give hints and signs, if she likes she could read the signs and like u too.. just dont worry.. nothing deserve worry in this world

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As the president of the bad luck with women club (ask about our new low membership dues ), I advise to just ask her. I know its hard, but its worth it. If you don't then you will constantly beat yourself up over it and wonder what if. Is that what you want for yourself? Or do you just want the satisfaction of having an answer one way or the other? Don't you just want to be able to say you did it? All these fears, thats in the future, and since you don't know the future, why worry about it? Just focus on the present and ask.

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Learn to flirt...you obviously have no idea how to 'get' the girl. I don't mean that in a sense of game...but it could be said that way, you're playing it safe...talking about normal things. You're afraid to take that chance...and in any case, most girls will notice that. Some will only put up with it for so long too before they move on...so you'd best learn soon. More than likely...you've already messed this up tho, b/c unless she has some sort of secret crush on you and is just as shy as you....she thinks of you as a friend and nothing more. Most girls decide within the first few meetings or even just minutes of talking whether or not you're going to be a 'friend'..or a possible romantic interest. Of course it can change over time and it's possible she could end up liking you...but it's rare. I think the only way to find out if a girl 'friend' likes you is if you started dating someone else she'd become really jealous....or hurt by it and then she'd realize it and end up 'opening' up to you b/c it's driving her crazy.


But I'm not going to go way into that...too much to talk about, and it's not your problem. You're best bet is to practice...go meet other girls...learn to take that chance...don't be afraid of something so petty. Have you ever sat back and looked at your situation...how you're afraid of something sooooo simple as asking a girl out? You want to get over it...go meet some girls...anyway, anywhere...if you meet one you seem interested in after a few minutes of conversation...ask for her number and then say you have to go....and leave....that simple. Things in this world only get easier with practice...can't expect to be great at everything your first time. Good luck

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