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Ex wont go out with me but yet VERY jealous

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Here is my situation,

Me and my ex have been split up for almost 4 months now but we still talk as friends and everything. I still do love him with all my heart and i WANT to be with him. I tell him how i feel i tell him i love him and his response is "ok" or he just acts like it doesnt matter.


Anyways a few days ago his exact words were "i do care about you and i do have feelings for you so dont ever think i don't" so im thinking ok...so why dont you want to be with me. Well it turns out that its because of our age difference...which did not bother him when we first got together(Hes legal im not , lets just put it like that).


I do NOT know whut to do...i want to start talking to other guys so that i can hopefully try to move on but whenever i talk about other guys he gets REALLY jealous its like hes trying to say "i thought u said you loved ME" it is REALLY confusing because he doesn't want me talking to other guys he wants me to only want HIM. So he doesnt want me with anyone else but yet he won't be with me...


so im just really clueless as to whut to do right now..move and try to forget about him ..or just keep telling him how much i love him and hopefully, eventually get to be with him...i really need some advice as to what my next move shud be...thnx in advance

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Don't waster your time with this guy. My last relationship was almost identical. He ended up breaking up with me and had a new fiancee (who is pregnant) within 2 months of our breakup. He just wants to keep you around until he finds someone he thinks is better. He's just stringing you along!!!


You deserve better treatment than that. Go find someone who will give it to you

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