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Where are all the single people? :P

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This has been really bugging me, but it seems that in my case, every guy I meet who is dateable in my eyes (I'm kind of picky...) has a girlfriend. Sure, I meet single ones too, but I could never see myself being attracted to them. I look at these guys and wonder...what did their girlfriends do to snag such a great catch. Or better yet, how did these girlfriends find these guys when they WERE single?!


It's really been bugging me recently, because most of my friends are great looking, sweet guys, with girfriends. I became friends with most of them because I was inititally attracted to them, so made moves to hang out with them more, discovered they had girlfriends, and just settled with enjoying the friendship. (Plus I lost the attraction, thank goodness. I could NEVER settle for a guy who had another girl on his mind, even if he did cheat on her for me)


I'm just so bummed, sick, and plain fed up with meeting a guy, being attracted to him, and then discovering that he has another girl in his life. Where are all the single people??

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I feel you, man. Finding a nice match that isnt already taken is a challenge. Being patient is hard in this case too. It will come, sooner or later. The odds arent against you as long as you can be patient. If you think about it, every attractive guy who is in a relationship will be out of that relationship before to long. Some will get married, but some will break up.


Its like nature. It all comes in cycles. Were single for a while then we are with someone for a while. Ya just gotta get lucky with the timing.


Although i was being genuine when i wrote this, i feel the same way you do quite often! There are just some days we are bummin that all the good people are taken. Its natural, who doesnt want love?

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I'm single! I know what you mean too, sometimes it just seems as though everyone who is interesting genuine and attractive is taken, and why shouldn't they be, those kind of girls/guys surely can't stay single for long.


But they are sometimes single. Right now I know quite a lot of single girls who are smart, funny, warm AND gorgeous. I don't know why they don't have boyfriends, but they just don't. I only wish I didn't fall into that category you described of guys girls could never see themselves being attracted to.


So what I'm saying is, it just seems like at some times there is no-onw single, but at others there are loads... swings and roundabouts pet

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Meh, not much you can do but wait. If that pic is real, you shouldn't have to wait long. Just hit some social scenes and everything will be gravy.


The trick is sorting out the guys who just want to hit it from the guys who want to hit it but also enjoy talking to you.

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