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I have so much hate, so much anger, for my ex-love

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i think it has been a week...since she dumped me...im living, but things are horrible, i went through 3 gfs already, lol...


i get like really attached to them and...i mean, i dated my new gfs for like 2 days lol...


3 girls in 1 week after my love of my life dumped me


I feel so horrible, i HATE HER SO MUCH, UGGHH, I WANT HER TO KNOW THAT I HATE HER, I WANT HER TO KNOW THAT I LOVE HER, i just, wish i could turn back time!!!


i dont think i can ever get a gf again...i think ill be alone while she goes and screws around with so many guys, i hate her so much


everything is so hard, i cant bear it, I do so many things to try and make me happy, and i have nothing to lose, and i find myself driving 140mph down the road, racing everyone i see hoping to death that i just die so i can call my love and tell her that i love her as my last words...


its the only thing that makes me happy, doing dangerous things that will hopefully get me killed, i feel like i can do anything, like i have nothing to lose but a miserable, lonely life with an ex love who taunts you with her beauty every day at school.


i hate her so much, people tell me its normal, but i dont know, maybe its not, i hate her more than anyone in this world, and yet at the same time i love her so much, and i find myself so bitter to anyone who tries to show me love, family members anyway...


what should i do? i dont know whats wrong with me, but i just keep thinking about sex, and i think thats why im so angry...i cant stop thinking about making love to the ex love of my life, i cant stop thinking about it, and i havent made love to anyone else, so if i do, will my pain dull for my ex love?


god i hope so, but i just keep screwing things up with every girl i go with presently...


i think im scarred for life...Am I? was i not mature enough to have sex and thats why im having such urges and hatred and anger about it?

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since you not so far from my age and we ina similar situation i9 hope u can relate to me, but it normal for you to show some ahte , and feel hopeless, i almost hated my ex but it hard for me to hate ppl but i feel hopeless also , i know its hard caring for sumon e then havin them hurt you, its the werse feekling. but dont worry youll be alright, the best thing for you would be not to rush into any relatonships until you sure your better and jus keep your mind off her, i wish i could help more but im not too good at thins thing sinc ei myself am in a similarn situation, jus keep hhope and faith it'll all be aight in the end.

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Killing yourself isn't going to make that hate or love for her disappear. Only thing it will due will be to hurt the ppl who do love and care about you. I don't know what circumstances surrounded your separation, but it is always wise to move on. Their are sooooo many ppl who wish to turn back time and redue things in their lives. When it comes to relationships, the stuff that happens does so for a reason. Going through one relationship after another is a learning process till we meet the person that we are meant to be with. I'm sure these words will not be comforting to you, as you are in a lot of pain over her. But, just think, if you get back with her again....the same stuff that happened before in your relationship will happen all over again. There is a reason you two didn't make it. Accept it and go get up and find someone that deserves to love you. First let go of this hatred. It is only hurting you and preventing you from moving on. Why give her the satisfication that you still think about her everyday? She doesn't. In fact, like you said, she's already moving on. Have the courage to do the same.

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Performing dangerous acts is not a solution, right enough, one day it will get you killed.


You are experiencing the pain after the break up. You can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet; but it's there.


You have to stay strong. Even for the stupidest reasons: like so your mum wont' say 'are you okay?' all the time. Or to prove that your ex can't make you feel like this.


If you don't mind me asking: what was the break up over?


How long were yous dating?


You can PM me anytime to talk. Keep ya head up.


Take Care.

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mate, relax! You're young. You must have known in your heart that this wasnt a "forever" thing anyway. I dont mean to sound patronising, honestly, but at your age just enjoy relationships for what they are and dont think long term because you can almost certainly think they will not work out. Enjoy them and learn from them. Sooner or later you WILL meet someone extra special that you really do (and she too) want to spend the rest of your life with. Just make sure you have enough relationship experience by then so you dont make any f. ups. Besides, publife is almost around the corner!

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last night i dreamt of her...


i dreamt of our pictures even, i remember looking at our pictures and even CRYING in my sleep,


ive gotten rid of all of our pictures...


i want it to stop haunting me, please someone tell me what to do, should i get a therapist? should i get hypnotism done? i cant bear this, godits soo horrible


I miss her so much

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