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I have good days then WHAM !!!! N/C is hurting

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I have good days then WHAM!!!!!!



my N/C is hurting



I think about them (my ex and her daughter)

I do hope they think about me......................


I even went on a date with a girl (only a one off), she was hung up on her ex and I was about mine too, good night out, but couldnt stop thinking about my ex.

is this normal ? is my ex going through same emotions ?

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Scorchio...I think these thoughts are very normal...but they seem to be preventing you from moving on.

You sound like you are in a lot of pain over her.

I broke NC several times before I was able to let go...BUT at least I knew without a doubt I had tried everything before I came to that point.

Maybe you haven't come to that conclusion yet....perhaps you need to make an excuse to contact her. If she doesn't want to hear from you...you will know.

You need some closure so you can close this book.

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I agree with playbrat, about coming to a final conclusion. Obviously there was a breakup. So something made it happened. You got to figure out if why it happened and if your willing to deal with it again. If it was your fault, then make a contact, but don't expect anything. If it was hers, let her call you if your still intrested.

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scorchio, you have to decide where your ultimtate love is... If it's with your ex, then you either have to reconcile or have closure so you can continue to move on with this person and give her your all-let her know your situation as welll, FOR SURE, as I'm sure she'll understand, based on her own 'hangups'. PLEASE discuss both of the issues-yours and hers-and address the 'baggage' upfront- you both know what it's like, and ultimately can relate, as you both are in the relatively same situation. HONESTY IS KEY- believe me. You both will relate better in the future if you tell her the truth. PLEASE, BELIEVIE ME. HONESTY IS TRUTH. She'll know, eventually, as will you, if you want to share a life together. Be honest, and ask her, I beg you, scorhio. Please=to avoid both of you getting hurt.

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