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Is he being shy or he is not into me??!!

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So, I met this handsome, charming gentleman 3 weeks ago, he lives about 2 hours away from me. I really really find him to be very attractive and I think he feels the same about me. HE asked if I had a boyfriend and got my number. HE called me a few times and I have called him a few times too. The conversations on the phone were not that great. BUt I feel if we met face to face our conversations would flow a little better. The other problem is he is shy...and I am shy too.


When I call him..he usually calls me right back..he seems to be interested but I am not really sure...It's been 4 days since I have talked to him..only because I haven't called, now I am one of those girls who feels like a guy should be calling me..you know..chasing me rather than me doing the chasing.


I just don't know if he is "into me" or he is just not interested

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Well if hes not calling you, he simply may not be interested, but Id stick by the phone just in case he got caught up in somthing important. Frankly I wouldnt worry about it. My policy when trying to start with someone is if anything is going to happen it will happen. Dont force it.


Also, if you happen to see each other, just cheerfully say "call me sometime" That should loosen him up. If that dosent work hes probably not interested.

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It could just be his shyness. It's a hinderence for many people. The only way you are going to know what he's feeling is to ask. Good luck!


I wouldnt ask him because it will put him on the spot to possibly lie to her if he dosent like her. You have to be a detective and look at the evidence.

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Maybe he is scared to call you because he is not sure if it is the right time to call. That would explain why he returns your calls but does not call out of his own initiative. Maybe he thinks he is calling you too often already. Or he is scared that the conversation on the phone will be awkward because he does not know what to say.

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he is probably wondering why you haven't called him in 4 days! Let his shyness bring out your bold side... he will thank you for it later... whatever happens it is better to know right? I mean they say you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so if u avoid calling this guy just because you think it should be him chasing you then you might lose out on something great! The worst thing is definitly the "what if's" so if u feel like calling him, call, if you don't and are okay with him potentially not calling you, don't call... it's really your choice... just do what you will most likely be able to look back and say "i did the right thing, i did what i was comfortable with, and i did what all i could" that way you won't find yourself kicking yourself in the near future for thr fish that got away!

obviously he is worth the effort to you considering you took the time to post about it on here... so stop posting, starting calling and tell us how it goes

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