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Losing virginity - that much of a big thing?

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It's when your 'hymen' is broken through penetration! It is not unusual to bleed a little. Once it is broken it can never be repaired.


It depends on how important it is to the individual. Some girls don't give it a second thought and have sex. In this case the 'act' is soon over!


Others (like myself) think of it as being special and should be taken by someone we are in love with whilst being in a bed. thereforeeee, making love to them and taking your time.


It's a personal choice.


Hope this helps.

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Yes, it is!! You only get one first time; don't throw it away. You are young and have plenty of time for sex. There's no rush. Just make sure you think long and hard before you make your final decision because oyu could come to regret it later. I know many who do! A lot of times people don't think of the emotional consequences of having sex before they are ready. That said, if you are going to do it, BE SAFE!!!!

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I would highly advise waiting to have sex. Once you start having sex, you open yourself up to a whole slew of problems---venereal disease and unplanned pregnancy, for starters. Also, you have no idea that the guy is in it for the long haul (at your age, probably not) and then you'll have to deal with the emotional issues of feeling used. It is not worth it. Not when you're 15!! Concentrate on school, get involved with activities and hobbies. You dont need the emotional baggage that having sex too young will bring.

Also, all the girls that were having sex at your age back when I was in high school ended up not in a good place and regretted it completely. It's not cool, no matter how much you think it is.

Speaking from experience,


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lol, I like how everyone assumes the Orginal Poster is a girl


Anyhow, I really didn't think it was a big deal when I lost my virginity, and I still don't think sex is that big a deal...but it seems I'm in a slight majority.

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Oops--That picture on the post looks like a girl!!


Same advice applies to a guy---unwanted pregnancies, venereal disease can result. I know a guy who got his girlfriend pregnant when she was 15 and he was 17. It ruined his life.

Is our original poster serious about a long-term commitment to a girl at his age? Doubt it. Does he realize how much he can hurt the girl he will do it with, just because he wants to finally do it?

For both male and female, I would advise both to wait until they are in a adult committed relationship.

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It's when your 'hymen' is broken through penetration! It is not unusual to bleed a little. Once it is broken it can never be repaired.


It depends on how important it is to the individual. Some girls don't give it a second thought and have sex. In this case the 'act' is soon over!


Others (like myself) think of it as being special and should be taken by someone we are in love with whilst being in a bed. thereforeeee, making love to them and taking your time.


It's a personal choice.


Hope this helps.



Tigris, you know the poster is male?

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We all just assumed the poster was--The pic looks like a female, and most guys dont ask that question!!

To answer the original poster's question---losing one's virginity is having sexual intercourse. I guess it can be debated whether anal sex is in that category?!


What a very sexist and anti-gay answer...

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Here is advise from a girl ---

I got pregnant when i had just turned 16. It was my first time. Protection was used and we still dont know how it happened. I advise you to wait till your older and can support a child. Dont think that if you use protection or if you pull out, nothing will happen. I am living proof that stuff does happen.

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For me it's not so much about the virginity, like sure you remember your first, but if your seconds any good you could probably remember that too

It's more about the act of sex, I don't care who gets it 'first', I just care who gets it, full stop.

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Darkblue, my response wasn't meant to be sexist or gay. I read a previous poster's response, and thought I misinterpreted Smurf's question in my original posts in this thread. He is not asking what losing one's virginity is, but rather what is the meaning behind losing one's virginity. Hence the confusion with my answer. The anal sex response was not directed toward Smurf--It was a general statement about whether or not it is considered losing one's virginity by having sex in that manner!

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I apologise Smurf,


I had a quick glance at the picture before I replied. To me it looked like a girl!


Finally, masturbation and having sex at an early age is usually rushed because you never know when you're going to get caught. ***I was 22 and my boyfriend was 19. We were in the back of his car when a policeman turned up! He had time to zip up. I didn't, my jeans were around my ankles! I was embarrassed. The policeman just laughed. lol) ***


If you continue to do it fast as a teenager it could cause problems when you come to a more responsible relationship. Some men get premature ejaculation and leave women very disappointed with their performance!


It's supposed to be a special occasion. One that's remembered for the right reasons! Being romantic, making love, taking your time, the girl's fantasy of being her knight in shining armour, etc. Not banging away and getting it over and done with in seconds!


I hope this helps.


Good luck

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i have a first time horror story too


finally have the house to ourselves for a little bit so she pulls me back into her bedroom and im shaking cause im nervous, and so i put on a condom and insert into her and she is in a lot of pain, because with the condom i couldnt even really tell what i was doing. So i go for a couple of minutes, shes in a lot of pain. Im done like in 5 mins lol and she is PISSED at me now and storms off to the bathroom and says "get your f'ing pants a-hole" (cept the full words) and im like "wtf?!"


apparently she was really pissed that she lost it before she was married even though she said she wanted it for the longest time. She was pissed also cause she felt like she did it just cause she was horny, not becuase of the feelings we had. Also the pain and me not noticing really pissed her off (i was nervous and didnt notice cause i was trying not to screw up lol)


and here i am just wanting to cuddle with her and shes not happy with me at all .. eventually though she got over it and no longer regrets it. (i however regretted it)


so ya... so much for making it special at least it was..memorable...

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Ok thanks all, especially Michele!


As for the picture - I saw it in the forums avatr libraries and I kind of liked it, thats all! 8)


Anyhow thanks for the advice - atm I don't have a GF let alone anyone I know well wnough to perform with. And I've been in the park bench situation - I understand what was said about taking one's time!

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