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7 months and still hurt....

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There is no way back into ohis heart! His heart is black! And mine is aching every day and night! Im forcing myself from not calling because everytime I do he treats me like pure garbage! its soooo sad! All I asked is WILL I EVER GET OVER THIS! Im not even interested in any other guy. I met one but he just wants to get in my pants. Typical guy! I hate this I hate the single scene...its sooo not for me! I dont know wjat to do and mind u he's already seeing someone! I know im better than this...so why am i doing it to myself! I got my own place...my own brand new car...im beautiful and have a beautiful daughter! Im just sooo confused and just want to stop thinking of him and having the urge to call him! Someone please help!

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I was in a situation not 2 long ago similar to yours. We are friends now but he started seeing someone about 2wks after we broke up and i was heart broken..we got back together and we are still together but it took almost 3months to get him back and he isnt the type where he shares his feelings and he hides everything.. I dont know what i wouldve done with out him alot of times but what i found that worked was fine u a friend doesnt have to be sexually or anything just a guy that u can hang out with and talk to..and if it leds to sex then it might be good for you to relieve some of that stress..even though it hurts u and u cant seem to see anyone that u are interested in if u let this guy control ur life like this then u will never beable to go out and meet someone New . I hope this works for you and trust me i know how painful this is.Good luck and let me know how it goes.

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I am still heartbroken as well and it's been about 3 months. My ex never contacts me unless it's through email. My dad died one month after he dumped me in an email and he still never called me! He is so cold and he wants nothing to do with me. It hurts like hell but it gets better with time (so I hear) Be brave and stay alone until you heal or you may end up hurting an innocent soul. If you are soul-sick like I am, stay alone until your soul gets strong enough to love again.




hugs to you


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