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How Do You Make Up?!?!

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Hey, could be a long story but i'll keep it short for you's. The thing is i got in touch with a girl i went to school with a while back, wasn't expecting anything know she has a kid and thought she'd still be with the father and it was a nice surprise that she wanted to hang out a lot and really seemed to like me, a lot of things were said that could have been misread but i'd recently decided to never go there again, "where've you been all my life" "you've got to meet my dad (who is ill)" and "i wish i'd met your mum/what would she have thought of me" and others were very extreme for 'just friends' i thought. Anyway i tried not to but i think i fell for her, it could have been other stuff but it was intense for me and so i told her, as a friend that i may be going there. We hung out for a while after but then distance came into play and eventually we had a blow out where i assumed i wouldnt see her again cos of the vibe and bascially told her how much she 'would have meant' to me and we haven't spoken properly since. I accept there'll never be a relationship and dont even want one but i know my life is so much better when she is around (but she's real busy with things) but would really like to make-up even if we only talk occasionally now as i think its right and think about winding down to saying goobye and leaving each others lives forever. Thing is i can't gaurantee i'm gonna stick around and so its all the more important for me and her a bit that we part as friends.

I'm giving her a letter that explains a lot of what she seems to have misread in our relationship and saying that i'd like to part as friends, but i have doubts. I need this. All i'm asking is a goodbye. How do you make up with someone?

Appreciate feedback so much


Shudda Wudda Cudda are the last words of a fool - Samantha Mumba
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Just be honest -- tell her the things you've written her. But make sure that it is clear to you that you are writing truly just so that you can stay friends, and not doing in a way that (subconsciously) tries to woo her back.

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