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Let me just retell a little about what has happened so that this is understandable. I am 16 and I was with a guy for a year and three months up till last Febuary. We broke up and got back together a month later. The second time only lasted a month and we once again broke up. Two days later I starting going out with my best guy friend.


Last week I broke up with him. I should of taken the advice that it was way to soon. I do believe I need to learn to be alone. Right now there is not one single person I want to be with. I did not mean to hurt my friend but we are still really close so everything is alright.


Well, now I find myself single for the first time in a while. It is nice to not be attached but my lack of being allowed out depresses me. A few summers ago I was seriously depressed but refused to get any treatment. Since then I have a great fear of that feeling coming back. I hated crying for no reason and never sleeping. Though sometimes now, being alone, I start to get very sad.


I do not miss my ex but more like miss what we had for the first year. I feel I was good in my choices and do not regret him being my first at everything. We do still talk and sometimes he brings up old things which upsets me. He has a girlfriend now, and I am pretty much over it. Just I tear up over him alot and I cannot understand why and when it will pass. Summer is here and I am afraid to have to sit here all alone while I know he is out. Life would be a lot easier if I were allowed out as much.


I am not as social here and it is not so easy to be social because I do not relate to these people. My best friends all live an hour away and I see my main one every other week.


I keep hoping some chance event will happen where I meet a wonderful guy, because then I will have him and have something to be optimistic about. Just I want to get some advice on how I can stop thinking about my old relationship and stop caring about what anyone says. It feels horrible to lack a life and know he is out having fun constantly never thinking of me.

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Hey girl!


Okay maybe some you time is what you need. Take some time and take care of yourself. You have been in a relationship so long you may have neglected to take care of you. Right now...just focus on yourself and making you happy. I am currently taking care of myself right now. I hope this helps!


Feel free to add me if you would like to talk!


Take care and good luck!

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You are reaching out for a boyfriend, and "dreaming" of you're ex because you have not figured out how to really like yourself.

Dont freak, its common. It would be great if you could take the time this summer to get to know yourself on your own terms. Find new friends, take up new activites that allow you to self-express such as painting, writing...this will also help with feeling depressed.

Once you learn how to really have fun all by yourself, you will be amazed at how good you feel! I promise.

And dont be scared to reach out for help with depression. about 80%-90% of people who are depressed have success controlling thier symptoms when they seek assistance, its worth it.

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