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Some days are lik this!!!

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Well I am in SD at one of my boys houses. I am just having one of those days. I really miss my ex, I have not spoken to her in almost 6 weeks. I want to call, but my mind is telling me, that if she wants to be set free, then i have to let her. Afterall if I truly care for her, I would support her even if I do not understand.


Also my mom moved to new york today, her and my father are spliting after 31 yrs of marriage. And to make that worse, I am on my way to lunch, with my friends (who was killed b a drunk driver.) parents. It is always hard to see them, because I can just see the hurt in there eyes. I just wanted to get this off my chest.


It all makes me want my girl back. She always comforted me, and I realize suddenly that I am on my own. Man I do not know about you guys, but I hate it when I have one of these days. But I am going get through it, cause tomorrow is a whole new day..... and anything can happen.

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I think you should give her a call. Talk for a bit. Just say you called to see how things were going. Don't talk about your old relationship or how you much you miss her and everything should be fine. It's fine to let her know you still care or that you miss her if it comes up but don't make a point of bringing it up. You never know you guys could end up talking for a few hours.


Good Luck.

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Hey sweetie! Awww im soo sorry you aren't have a good day-- it sounds like you are going through an awful lot right now. I wish I could do something to ease the pain and/or help you in any way. You know, maybe it wouldnt be such a horrible idea if you did call you ex. I mean it seems like you can use some support from somewhere right now- So maybe just calling to say hi wil make you feel a lot better. And you are right. Theres always a chance for a much brighter day tomorrow..


sending my love and smiles your way....

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Hey boss,


I hear ya loud and clear. I am sorry all this shit is going down... sometimes it honestly seems like too much sometime....if you agree with this...all I can tell you is I am from here on the other end of this e-mail feeling the same thing. I broke up with my beautiful lady about about 3/4 weeks ago. I broke it off because I wasn't ready to get married to her... I loved her and think she is nothing but an angel, but it wasn't meant to be. I think I have looked at her picture and thought of her many times. I honestly need to stop and get back to work. However the point I am trying to make is I feel and know your pain. I know the heart ache and the longing, boy do I. The stuff you said about being comforted by her...ahhh my lady was the best. But things do happen for a reason. In my case, I was unable to ask her to marry me. She probably thinks I am dating and happy that things are off...but she couldn't be father from the truth.... anyway... You can make it through this day and all the rest. I am not a really religious person, but God has something special for the both of us.....we just have to get through these obstacles....remember that in order to appreciate the sweet we must endure the bitter....


take care of yourself buddy,



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Yes you are right...anything can happen. You could make a new friend, meet a new girl or just have a good day. It's okay to have one of those days...perfectly normal. you are hurting and that is okay. Just let it out. You will get past this no worries. It's kewlies you want to respect how she feels. I am proud of you. Just take it one day at a time that is all you can do. Take care of yourself and take it easy!


*good luck*

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