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can u find ur true love at 16??

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my friend and i are having a pretty large fight right now..... she used to think u can love someone at a young age, but now shes changed my mind in an attempt to break my fiance (she doesnt know he is my fiance) and I up.


she said its not possible to find ur one true love at 16..... well i was wondering. how many of u met ur husband/ wife in high school, and how long ya'll r/ have been together.....


oh yeah. what can i do to get my friend off my back!?

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My aunt found her true love at 13! They didn't date anyone else throughout high school and have been married for 20 years. They've actually been together for like 34 years if you count high school and stuff. Your friends wrong.


You need to tell your friend that she needs to stop being jealous that you have a successful relationship and she doesn't.

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oh yeah. what can i do to get my friend off my back!?


Tell her that you're happy with your fiance and you would like her support/blessing. My personal belief on this is that 16 is certainly not too young to fall in love but it may be too young to get married and take on all that responsibility of makinga marriage work. Yes, you can find your true love at 16. I am sure many have experienced that but I think the ones that stayed togethe in the end took some time together before getting engaged or married to make sure that it was really their true love. And, I'm not sure what you mean by true love...do you think there is only one person out there for everyone? I guess I believe something different...that there can be many "true loves" in someone's life. But I think one thing is for sure...once you pass a certain age (I don't know maybe 13 or 14) then I think in general you begin to become emotionally mature enough to fall in love and to know what love is. I could be wrong on that though...maybe some people even fall in love at a younger age.


I think the issue here though is your friend isn't being supportive of your relationship. A true friend would support you and be happy for you while being realistic at the same time. Maybe she just wants you to wait before getting too serious about anyone since you're very young but trying to break up you and your boyfriend certainly isn't the way to do that.

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It can happen. I know one couple dating since 17 and still together in their early 40's. But I have to say it is the exception. They are the only couple I know that got together before age 20 and got married and still together. Even they did not get married until they were both 21.

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My grandparents met when they were 16, and have been married over 60 years. So I believe you can find your true love at a young age.


Why does she care whether or not you are in love? If it's not meant to be, and not true love (like she thinks..) then eventually you and your fiance will grow apart and realize it's not meant to be. Until then, she should be happy that you have someone who you love and who loves you so much.


I think she's just jealous. She doesn't believe you can be in love because she hasn't experienced it. It's hard to believe true love exists when you don't feel it.


I'm happy for you. Don't worry about trying to convince your friend. You know how you feel and there's no point in trying to make her understand it. She might never accept it until either she finds love, or until she sees you get married in a couple of years.

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yes it is possible, but at this point in the 21st century it is EXTREMELY unlikely.

one of my better friends parents met when his mother was 15 and they are happily married still like 35 years later.

The point is that times were "simpler" in that regard, people met, fell in love, married, had kids and didn't think too much.

now, instead of marrying and having kids, people become bf and gf, get engaged but no family, no kids.

now how long can you be bf and gf for? some people long time, but bf and gf is not the same thing as marriage and kids with no way back(that was the thought back then)

people 'change', 'grow up', 'fall out of love', whatever they call it but bf and gf thing usually doesn't last

when you are ready for a family and kids then it will work out.

if you are not ready for family and kids in a very near future, if you want to get education, get financially stable then your chances are indeed very small

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my friend and i are having a pretty large fight right now..... she used to think u can love someone at a young age, but now shes changed my mind in an attempt to break my fiance (she doesnt know he is my fiance) and I up.


she said its not possible to find ur one true love at 16..... well i was wondering. how many of u met ur husband/ wife in high school, and how long ya'll r/ have been together.....


oh yeah. what can i do to get my friend off my back!?


You can find true love when you replace 'u' with 'you', 'ur' with 'your', and don't use the word 'ya'll'.


On a more serious note, I think it can happen but it's pretty rare as most kids (including me when I was that age) have no idea who the heck they are let alone can handle a marriage before they are even 20. Why not live a little first?

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