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Everytime I think about doing NC, I Cry..

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Why is it everytime I think about doing NC with this special someone I get so sad? Tears come pouring down my face rapidly. The thought of it actually kills me inside. And it's hurts so bad that I don't want to even try doing NC (even tho it may help me get over him more)

Any advice ,Please?

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NC is No contact.


It's natural to feel like crying. But from past experience I have learnt that things like this take time. Feelings this strong take time and the only way you can get over him is too not talk to this person.


Keep strong. Just think, if you did contact this person you might get hurt even more and is it really worht the risk?


You can do it, live strong, *hugs*



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NC is No contact.


It's natural to feel like crying. But from past experience I have learnt that things like this take time. Feelings this strong take time and the only way you can get over him is too not talk to this person.


Keep strong. Just think, if you did contact this person you might get hurt even more and is it really worht the risk?


You can do it, live strong, *hugs*



Thankyou *hugs*
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I know how you feel ... I cant bring myself to the point either .. Im an emotional wreck.. This is the hardest thing . Ive been with someone for 13 years .. ugghhhg sometimes I wonder if it hurts him but who knows... Men seem to get over things quicker obviously

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Prehaps men can hide their feelings better than us women?


Either way I have never had to deal with NC before, or from a break up anyway. I probably wont understand it until I expierience it myself. I can only imagine what it is your going through.


Just hold on. We are always here if you ever need someone to talk too. It will take time and thats the hardest thing. Just don't bottle it up. If you need to cry, cry, scream if you have too. Just remember your not alone.


Miya *hugs*

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Girl - you need to get away for ahwile.. take a trip... in fact, camping is probably the best thing you can do. Leave the cell phone at home - don't tell him where you are going, and give yourself a chance to get over it... then when you come back it will be easier cuz you've already had some alone time to get over it without having the chance to contact him.

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Men can end up feeling just as bad and being a complete wreck too, crying there eyes out for days. But because tradition says grown men don't cry, they feel they have to hold it and are embarrassed to admit it. Breakups are hard for everyone.


Anyways, I've got two word for you: Road Trip!!!

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