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Prayers for Londoners affected by bombings

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Hi everyone,


I dont know if you have all seen or heard the news about the terrorist bombings in London this morning, but i would like to ask you all to keep all of those people affected in your thoughts and prayers.


I hope that everyone affected is coping and that the people responsible are rounded up quickly.


For those of you who haven't heard the news yet, there have been a series of bombings on underground trains in London and on one bus. People are believed to be trapped underground at London Kings Cross and there are a large number of casualties and fatalities all accross London.


The emergency services are coping as well as they can but have said that anyone in the nearby areas should remain where they are and nobody in central London should call 999 unless there is a danger to life.


Thank you all


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At the moment there have been 7 reported blasts. Im shoocked i live on the out skirts of south london. and i was were the bombs went off just yesterday, during the rush hour. Im just speachless. My country now stands amoung the few to have been attacked on a large scale by the terrorists in the east.


I feel however a sense of pride even now. I heard a report from a US tourist who saw the bus explosion. She said she was stunned how fast and calmly the Londoners on the street, took her behind protective buildings and did not panic, doing everything that was neccessairy. Also how fast and organised the emergancy services of London reacted to these attacks.


This however devastating has shown the world that we are ready for them and will not falter regardless of what is thrown at us.

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report from london, at the moment all public transport is closed. Anyone who knows the size of the city will know how many people that will affect. I am working from home today otherwise would have been right in the middle. as horrific as it is, we brits have had this before and we will cope and survive.


The first bomb went off on a tube train, the police closed the underground service and then they started blowing up the buses, which were the only alternative form of public transport. Infacr the underground workers were telling people to use the buses as they were honouring train tickets.


There have now been 6 explosions at underground stations and every minute a new report comes in on the radio, of a train station somewhere in the counrty being closed (croydon, swindon, reading up to now).


Who ever has caused this will not kill london or its people, outside of the country you can not believe the celebrations that were going on yesterday when london gained the 2012 olympics from being an also run contender a year ago. now we face (once again) devistation and blood spread.


On behalf of the people of London thank you for your prayers.

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Update: Tony Blair has confirmed that these attacks are the work of terrorists. He is due to be leaving the G8 summit at Gleneagles any minute to go down to London so that he can be briefed by members of COBRA and the police.


Laughing sam, im glad that you are at home and weren't in the middle of all this today.

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Guys, I'm horrified to hear about this. My thoughts and prayers go out to those directly affected, and all of you indirectly affected. I remember how I felt on 9-11, and it's a terrifying feeling, whether you know anyone who was directly involved or not.

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This is sad I was due in for work at 10am, but my father called to tell me not to go becasue of the attacks, my route is via kings cross so I am very lucky.


My thoughts and prayers go out to to all that have suffered at the hands of this barbaric attack.


Even before Tony Blair mentioned how it was a coincidence that this has happened on the same day as the G8 summit, I was thinking the same thing.


The attention wasn't on terrorism before today it was more on Poverty in Africa, hmmmm very big coincidence and I have to say that those terrorists were obviously attention seekers in this and got their attention in the most malicious and selfish way.



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pride in the way we responded, the way we reacted so swiftly. I accept that we live in a free country and am gratefull for the liberty that i have. Who can say why they hate us. some say it is because of the way western societies culture is erroding away the traditional culture of the east. From what i have seen it is true in some respects. now one tries to change a way of life but simply by sending out tv broadcasts we are effecting the ways of life of other people. It is a terrible thing what terrorists do, i wish that they couldunderstand that what they do only causes pain, it brings about no change only pain and stregthens the prejudice. Just in case anyone missundurstands me, i hate what terrorists do, i hate the bombs and the killing. I am not a pacifist, and i want those who would do this dead. But i also understand that the east, and other countries are lossing ellemnts of their culture because of the un intentional intrusion of western culture. I just wish there was a quick solution to terrorism, but there is not we must brave the evil that a few throw at us, seek justice for our people who have given our lives, and soldier on. I am proud to be British and to be a member of the west.

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Our thoughts and prayers to everyone and every family affected by today's London events. I am specially saddened to see yet again that there are people who feel they have the right to prove their point by the price of innocent blood of civilians who have nothing to do with their causes.


Note: the other 2 topics related to London events were merged into this topic

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I was watching the coverage on CNN of this morning as soon as I woke up, prayers and hope to all you Londoners and those with family & friends in London as well. Though I live in Canada, we do have family members that way.


It is very nerve wracking for many since the cell/phone lines are overwhelmed and people cannot get through.


I keep hearing mixed reports of actual number of bombs that went off, CNN reports 4 total, CBC has been reporting 6-7, and of course casualties won't be known for a while yet. They will only *confirm* 2 dead, however there are many reports of from eye witnesses of more still inside the tunnels where they are leaving them for forensic analysis of the scene.


Hopefully as the day goes by some more information becomes clear.


Lots of hope to you all.

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Everyone in the UK and everyone with loved ones there, you have my prayers. I visited your fair city of London just before the year 2000 and loved it. We have friends in England, but fortunately they all live in other cities. I had business associates in the Pentagon on 9/11, so I can relate.

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My sympathy goes out to all of humanity today. At times like this when neither side can relate to eachother in any positive way, and even the sides themself are not well defined, I believe that the most important thing is not to emphasize nationalistic, racial, and religious differences but rather try to remember what we have in common. I was born in the U.S. but have dual citizenship of Israel, and i can honestly say that when my family is hurt by a "terrorist" the thing i want desperately to know is why they feel what they did was necessary. If you read history you can gain a fuzzy glimpse of how "terrorism" in the middle east evolved from a primarily political and nationalistic motivation to a religious and societal uprising. But in America after 911 it was as if a blanket was pulled over everyone's head, politicians spoke of terrorists in the same way that the terrorists talk of us. As if evil IS everyone's goal, and that there is no history or motivation to actions besides just wanting to hurt people. They are just the axis of evil and we are the white knights of blinding goodness. That we are the big devil america and little devil Israel and that your fellow suicide bombers are carrying out the work of God. Ironic that America experienced more terrorist attacks from south America then it did from the middle east all the way up to 911, but since we understand S. America better and we have abused the hell out of the place, we dont call them an axis of evil. In Israel the battle has grown so bitter and the violence so illogical, that the need for real communication transcends any ethical argument. Often i just think about how the fact that we are all human and live on one piece of rock is marginalized when religious, racial, or nationalistic divisions become so emphasized as they so naturally do in conflict situations. The lines of difference grow deeper as each side wishes to differentiate themself from the people they see as evil. If anyone bothered to put themself on the other side they might realize, maybe some people are brainwashed, maybe some people have been so hurt that they are lead to immoral actions. People act as if the enemy is some mysterious force that can never be understood, all we know is that they are muslim and they have lots of hair and bombs. Terrorist groups end up doing immoral things but that doesnt mean we should subjugate our brains to a system of absolutes where the enemy is inherently evil and nothing of their history, or character needs to be known. It seems that global culture is forever doomed to these kinds of absolutes. In the end i really believe that the way both sides approach this conflict is based mainly on a fear of what one does not understand. If things can be interpereted different ways why think that your interperetation of the way someone else interperets things are similar? That is why absolutes are so dangerous because when you work with them eventually you are going to end up with someone who absolutely thinks it is right to drop some C4 off on a bus. My heart goes out to those who died and were injured today in one of the ugliest faces of miscommunication ever. To see all of the medical workers running to save people that they don't even know is truly a beautiful communication.

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