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Sorry this is so long... but please take time to read it.


Okay... I have never told this to anyone, so this site is the first. I have this friend who lives behind me, lets call him HP, which is weird cuz those are his real initials and they are the same as Harry Potter. HP lives caddy-corner behind me, and he comes over every single day. I have two best friends and it is HP and HN, and they just recently broke up. But anyway, I am his only best friend. He has other friends, but I am his best friend. Okay... I have never really thought of him as more than just a friend except when we first met. I liked him bcuz he was cute, but now we are just friends. Anyway... We had a fight after just two months and weren't friends for like three months. We have been friends again for over a month, but we tell each other everything. We are so comfortable around eachother. I know him better than he knows himself. I can tell you exactally what he would do if you tell him something or do something to him. I think about him all of the time. Everytime the door bell rings, I am the first one to it. He comes over everyday. I never go over there, he comes to me w/o me asking him to. He tickles me all the time. Well I was listening to the classic *NSYNC songs(I'm such a dork), and I realized that I care for him as more than a friend. I don't know what it is! He is 7months younger than me and a grade lower, but that doesn't stop him from calling. And he sneaks around his adopted parents to see me. They don't let him come over, but he does anyway. Could this be love? I know I sound silly, only being 14, but please take me seriously!!!



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Hey Mythica,


Just to get more clarity, where HP and HN together in a relationship?


Sounds like he does a lot of trouble to get to see you, and yes, this moment that you realize you care for someone more than you care for a friend, can be the start of loving someone. When you feel like this for the first time, it's quite an odd feeling, isn't it!


I believe you can have different forms of love, even in friendships there can be strong love, even if you are not romantically involved. The two of you can just figure out how you feel about each other by maintaining a strong friendship. Let it have its own course, is what I'm saying


Take care,



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Yes, HP and HN were in a relationship. They broke up a week ago. All three of us were talking on the phone a two days ago, and he admitted to having, in his perspective, "good dreams" about me. Me and HP were laughing about it, but HN definatly was not... if you catch my drift. She wasn't mad at me, only at him. But I have never seen her so mad. I talked to her later, and she said that if he asked me out, she told me to say yes. But.... Should I? I mean, I feel this way about him, but I have known HN for years... Any points about this one?



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I think you should say yes. SHE initiated suggesting it, if it was the case that he asked you and you checked with her about it and she'd have a problem with it, she'd have the opportunity her feelings towards it. Now she said so herself.


It might even be the case that she knows more about his feelings for you, why else would she come up with this?



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